Again, the fact that the court made a decision for the patient has nothing to do with how the healthcare system of the country is funded. Courts and the legal system make decisions about children's lives against the wishes of parents all the time. Courts remove children from parents that they deem unfit. Courts decide that one parent or the other should have sole custody of the child against the wish of the other and many more examples.
Quite frankly I'm much more scared of a system where a parent has complete and absolute control over a child no matter what than one where a court can step in and overrule a decision of a parent. The doctors and courts owe their duty of care to the patient not to the parents.
Quite frankly I'm much more scared of a system where a parent has complete and absolute control over a child no matter what than one where a court can step in and overrule a decision of a parent. The doctors and courts owe their duty of care to the patient not to the parents.