I personally like eclipse more than Intellij IDEA. I tried using IDEA for a month and even after getting used to the shortcuts I found eclipse more productive and hence faster. I did not benchmark for my usecase. The most frustrating part of Intellij was a 2 second pause whenever I tried to run unit tests even though I turned auto-compile on. Eclipse feels way more responsive to me for refactoring and running tests.
EDIT: Although I would like to add that I liked Intellij VIM integration more. I have been using Vrapper for Eclipse and it is decent but not many people are contributing to the project for a while which raises doubts on it's sustainability: http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/home/
EDIT: Although I would like to add that I liked Intellij VIM integration more. I have been using Vrapper for Eclipse and it is decent but not many people are contributing to the project for a while which raises doubts on it's sustainability: http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/home/