>Pick up any text book and before you even get to supply and demand you will go through the "assumptions" that must be true in order for a free market to function.
You will go through the assumptions that must be true in order for a market to be in a state of perfect competition. Most econ books should be pretty good about this lanugage. 'Free market' is actually more about political philosophy than economics although it's usually cloaked in the language of normative economics.
>Pick up any text book and before you even get to supply and demand you will go through the "assumptions" that must be true in order for a free market to function.
You will go through the assumptions that must be true in order for a market to be in a state of perfect competition. Most econ books should be pretty good about this lanugage. 'Free market' is actually more about political philosophy than economics although it's usually cloaked in the language of normative economics.