I'd argue we should strive to move away from the switch syntax where it's not necessary because it's verbose and has curious semantics [1]. As an example, this should work:
switch(expr) {
case 'foo':
console.log("a string")
case { foo: bar }:
console.log("foo is", bar)
But how would this work?
switch(expr) {
case 'foo':
case { foo: bar }:
console.log("foo is", bar)
Moreover, a big selling point of pattern matching is it is an expression. Keep in mind though case points to a statement list, How do we resolve to a value?
With a "return"?
function f() {
switch(expr) {
case 'foo':
return 4 // This makes f return
function g() {
var x = switch(expr) {
case 'foo':
return 4 // But this doesn't. Is this confusing?
The value of the last statement?
function g() {
var x = switch(expr) {
case 'foo':
4; // This should resolve to 4
break; // but is the break necessary now?
IMO switch sytnax is just legacy left behind by C, and not the best one to keep around, especially given the semantics of pattern matching.
With a "return"?
The value of the last statement? IMO switch sytnax is just legacy left behind by C, and not the best one to keep around, especially given the semantics of pattern matching.[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff%27s_device, not sure if this works on JavaScript (I doubt it), but the point is the switch cases essentially work like "goto"s.