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Blloc – minimalist smartphone (blloc.com)
213 points by ryannevius on April 24, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 169 comments

So, I'll give some unsolicited recommendations for your website, regarding accessibility:

- The contrast between the body text and background is to low; it makes it difficult for people with visual impairments to use the website.

- Font size and font weight, the font is too thin and adding this to the low color contrast, it makes it even more difficult to read.

- Images that don't add meaning (textually) to the page, e.g., the logos you use on the "Agile and precise" section. It's a good idea to add `aria-hidden="true"` so they don't "distract" screen readers.

- Also, several images don't have their alt tag, which describes the image to screen readers.

- I can't navigate your website with my keyword.

I don't want to sound like a jerk, but your company builds assistive technology--yes, a phone is an assistive device--so it makes sense that you take care of your primary point of sales, your website, and make it accessible to everybody.

What website? I only saw a white page. (I have Javascript disabled)

Looks like you are getting downvoted. I upvoted you, so I'll leave this here because is relevant: https://sonniesedge.co.uk/posts/progressive-enhancement

Come on, the website is only text, images, and a few forms, why would you render it in JavaScript. I don't see any additional benefit compared with plain HTML, CSS.

It is not a rich web application, even if it were.

Also, there's been server-side rendering for a while now.

Edit: Opinion

"No, you’re the kind of shit that enjoys arguing with people, rather than empathising with them."

Oh my, the article describes itself.

Now, there is one angry person :)

I stopped reading the article after 10 lines. I'm not easily offended, but when reading an opinion that has the F-word every line, it's just a turn-off.

The payment form near the bottom is a stripe form. I’d assume it requires js.

So, in that case we should be seeing everything but the stripe form! Its not really fair to blame them to make a non js website though. They might not have put time into it

Same here. Using Firefox, I only block Stripe and Jquery (used for Stripe as someone commented), and still see white-space.

I won't honor it with my IE (don't feel like giving Stripe a ping).

I don't require any accessibility accommodations and still found the site very very hard to read. Small text with low contrast is not a win.

thx for taking the time, will consider the feedback in our re-launch (we were working already on making our pos better) this thread took us by surprise while reworking it

The layout is also broken on Firefox mobile for Android (not a good impression for a website for an Android phone...). The text on the first slide runs off the screen, the second slide is just blank? And the slide with tech specs has the text all jumbled together and overlapping.

I was writing a mail but since I saw you are here, I thought maybe I should share this questions here itself. Hopefully others might chip in too:

1. Is it a black & white phone? Or does it use e-Ink (how comfortable is it for the eyes)? (You have mentioned I can enjoy photos with full colour with some "Colour Touch" tech but that's it, there's nothing else regarding it at all). Do you have another website or page where you have discussed your specs in detail?

2. What about battery life? If, assuming, it's not a colour screen then does it have a ridiculously good battery life?

3. Is this phone already a reality or is it just a concept phone or designs as of now and you will be developing it later?

4. What about the privacy and security aspects of this phone?

5. What version of Android is it using, if at all it is using Android? What about updates - any promised/guaranteed date of OS version upgrade?

6. International shipping? International warranty? How do you handle this?

7. Any plans for a smaller phone, something like iPhone SE/5S size (mentioned this as its my current phone)? I mean in ~4 inch ballpark.

Some even blunter unsolicited feedback: test your website with about:config javascript.enabled = false. thinkxl has the right idea here. Edit: also, I just realized I'm agreeing with a social justice warrior about something; I'm not sure whether to feel disgust or vindication; I'll probably go with novelty.

> I just realized I’m agreeing with a social justice warrior about something

Why are you accusing thinkxl of being a “social justice warrior” and why, exactly do you feel that that undermines your agreement? Is website usability a liberal ideology? Lacking any actual justification your edit feels very out of place on hn.

Actually, I was referring to https://sonniesedge.co.uk/posts/progressive-enhancement, who literally self-identifies as a "whiney SJW feminist fuck" in the first paragraph. And it's less "undermines my agreement" and more "Eww, I'm on the same side of this argument as such-and-such evil person; please don't assume this means I agree with them about anything else.". I'd go back and clarify, but the edit window is over.

The previous comments mentioned poor contrast and small text for visually impaired. I have great eyesight and I had a hard time reading your site. I had to literally select text in some areas to even be able to read it at all, combined with zooming in. (I have a 27" monitor!)

That being said, I really hope you succeed, I really want a repairable long term phone in the future. Not sure about what B&W adds to this, but it you offer a chopped down cheaper version (along side your flagship phone), it's far less of a risk to give it a try.

To add on the original comment:

Your website, ironically, breaks at a smaller viewport (at least my small screened firefox on desktop).

I would really consider making this work on tablet / mobile devices, and fixing the accessibility ASAP. Especially considering the product you are trying to sell.

How can I trust your phone hardware if your website doesn't meet modern day standards?

Any other details about the OS? Is it an Android? How are the applications managed and what's their update pipeline? Are they whitelisted and managed by the manufacturer's own App Store? What's the privacy policy like? How often will it issue updates?

I really like the display. I've been waiting for a phone with minimalistic display to save battery ever since the Motofone F3.

But there's way too little information there to convince me to pre-order.

we def. screwed up communication as we've been focused lately on finishing hardware. its based on Android 8.1 and the apps are downloaded via play-store normally. We don't white or black list, but rather are going through the most used apps and building easier integrations for them

Will the OS be open sourced? - I'd love to get this on any android phone!

Awww. I was excited when I thought it might not run El Goog's cruft. :(

What's the differentiating feature between the Blloc and all the other black rectangles that run Android?

looks like a custom app launcher and some matching apps for some popular APIs. Still cool, but the reality is a bit of a letdown after the initial good impression. Ultimately, having to rely on your phone maker to keep up with every relevant service's APIs and features seems like a losing game. Seems impossible to meet everyone's expectations here long term. Also, I thought/assumed it was an e-ink display at first -- that would be cool. But the app thing, it's hard. Can't really launch an appstore for a new OS, too much momentum in the established players. Ask Microsoft. Perhaps an Android phone with an E-ink display and a custom display driver/some other cool tech to make every app in the play store work with it would be cool.

...does it do RSS?

I'll show myself out.

What's the expected battery life? I was hoping to see an average and maximum battery life described on the page, but couldn't find it.

this reallly depends on usage, we wanted to send it to the real benchmarking websites when we release. I charge mine every 2 days which was a personal goal (to not get punished if I forgot to charge last night)

I don't think I've ever had a phone I needed to charge daily.

You got into the smart phone game fairly late, or you don't use them heavily.

both apply to me.

Yeah, but they're not talking about bakelite models.

Consider using LineageOS instead. There's nothing 'minimalist' about the crap that Google 'requires'.

How does using Lineage solve this problem?

It's the same OS, and 99% of people that install Lineage install the GApps otherwise the device is barely usable.

well, if you're a die-hard idealist, you could always use microG [0]

if you're not, you can still use Gapps nano or pico. thats basically just the play store and the service api.

[0] https://microg.org [1] http://opengapps.org

How long will you support the phone with software updates?

Indeed, I'm immensely curious about the OS (I'm an unabashed OS junkie) and if it's not Android based I want one just to dig into that part of it. Beyond that, the display and the GUI are absolutely gorgeous. I was always a fan of Microsoft's flat design for Windows Phone, and this takes it to another level of minimalism. I'm drooling over here.

Edit: I see below that it's Android based after all. I still love the way it looks but it's a hard pass. :-(

We had to im sorry. Its quite unrealistic for a startup to write its own OS from scratch. And there's the app topic that everyone else failed at. We always had a vision to do an open web-based (Chromium like) os when it becomes realistic.

That's basically webOS.

If you get webOS working on your hardware, you will have a small pile of very staunch supporters.

A couple of realistic caveats, and novel ideas to solve them:

1. webOS is not Android.

Android will eventually mean Fuschia, which will mean bye bye to Linux driver blobs. I'm not sure how the scene looks right now in terms of trying to squash an Android kernel and blobs together with webOS userspace. Might work, might produce rueful laughter.

One interesting thing you could do is lead a community effort to get webOS running on top of Fuschia, which is still very new but functions well enough to fully come up graphically and boot into a Chromium-based session (yep!).

To me, that suggests enough of the Fuschia core is "set" and unlikely to change that RIGHT NOW is the perfect time to quietly catch up to feature parity with alternative userspaces, and when Android does "the big switchover" (it's obvious that's the goal, Fuschia has things like 120fps update targets etc), you'll suddenly have more hardware support than any other platform.

2. webOS has no real apps.

No point denying this is true. Facebook isn't releasing a webOS app. That cements a lot of things. There's also the fact that LG bought webOS for TVs. That did nothing to kill it on phones, but the move certainly did shift all of the tech-prosumer expectancy/focus over to the TV space and leave the webOS-on-phones/tablets sector full of tumbleweeds. And nothing's really changing that.

The webOS-on-Fuschia idea would be unlikely to trigger wholesale adoption of the platform. Not going to do it.

I see a couple of alternatives:

0. You kind of get dual-boot for free anyway

1. Implement hardware-accelerated KVM for ARM on Fuschia, and run Android in a VM

2. Implement kernel-level containerization/virtualization aka what's described under "Virtualization" in http://kernelthread.com/projects/

3. Figure out how Fuschia works at the kernel level and work out how to run the webOS and Android userspaces side by side, either running simultaneously or stopping one to launch the other

(I don't typically start lists at 0, but that first point felt so obvious I used a 0 so I could include it in the list.)

You get 0 for free, and dual booting will appeal to some who want the closure of "Android is simply not running".

1 is... I included that one for comparison :)

2 and 3 seem interesting. I'd tackle these by seeing how the Fuschia team react to being engaged "from the outside". You could lead that effort; I don't think anything is being done in that regard at this point (eg unlike how Chromium does get lots of external contributions from individuals).

Well, that's my 2c anyway.

Who designed this site? Readability is very poor. 8px font size for the 'pre-order' button, really?

And the contrast ratio is pretty low too.

Please, don't hire designers who just care about the graphic design aspect and making it look beautiful, but a pain to use, i.e. totally neglect usability.

Erik Spiekermann said it best (enable english captions): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw0syzCeH4Q

I don't doubt that the phone is going to be a physical implementation of the site's aesthetic, so it will be beautifully unuseable

Probably someone with a 4k or very high pixel density monitor

I'm using a 27" 4K monitor. I can't read anything on that site.

Seems interesting.

But can you bump up the font size? Being partially sighted means that with the current fontSize of 10px the site is unreadable to me.

I found the same, and my eyesight's still mostly OK. The use of grey text on a grey background doesn't exactly help, and that kind of "design over usability" choice is a bit of a red flag for the product itself.

Yes, and if you zoom in the page, the images become enormous

yup, impossible to read comfortably on my rMBP at 50cm distance. I'm 35 (no glasses). Like the phone ID, though

Yes I too think the font is too small.

Also the specscontainer does not contain all of the 'outline' image of the phone.

Just crazy small type, can’t read at all

thanks a lot everyone we definitely heard you on that one.

It would be pretty funny if the phone's camera only took black-and-white pictures, to match its web page.

There's your minimalist right there.

(Also, what is that, a font for ants?)

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I don't get if the grey scale is only for the web design or the phone is all black and white. Is gray the color color i can pick for the phone? What if I want a red phone? Is it gonna be a darker black phone?

no lie i would pay good money for an eink monochrome phone with an insane battery life

This seem nice, i think i will buy one


i want to surf the web on my phone still

Its an engineering and repairability nightmare, but I've often thought to myself how pretty a phone would be in a seamless soap bar form factor, with an eink display, bone conduction audio, no buttons or ports and just inductive charging.

When powered off it would just be a completely featureless slab. You could even write the devices logo onto the display before powering it off to do branding without redundancy.

I was excited as long as I assumed this would be E-Ink.

It is odd how that has not happened in the mobile phone form factor or even as part of an add on case.

I do think you have a point in that there should be marketspace for what the old Nokia was - something that could stay on all week without babysitting the battery.

Website accessibility is possibly an important part of this, if everyone wrote proper responsive websites that met accessibility standards to look good on mobile then these should read fine on an E-ink display. All text messaging apps should look fine too.

The trick to making the device work is probably the camera, if you could easily connect the screen of another phone to it then you could do selfies and what not. A convenient device to facilitate that, maybe top up the battery of the main phone and work independently of the main phone on a duplicate/tied in SIM, that could work.

> I do think you have a point in that there should be marketspace for what the old Nokia was - something that could stay on all week without babysitting the battery.

There is, besides aliexpress which has a huge selection (including nokia knockoffs) most carriers have a couple super budget non smart phones.

It's been done. There is the Russian Yota phone and some similar Chinese phones; IIRC there is also a case for iPhones.

I would definitely look at a low-powered, reduced features e-ink not-so-smart phone.

This looks like it might be up your alley. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/light-phone-2-design

Its crazy. The Light2 is almost perfect, but its almost too minimal. I still want basics like an ereader, timers, and email.

Its a shame that eink hasn't really hit the mobile market yet.


50K for the marketing campaign to probably 200K in pre-orders for a product that will never ship. Not a bad 4X return on investment for the founding team.

we didn't accept money so far and won't till we have working phones reviewed by youtubers. The pre-order just reserves u a spot as we're doing limited batches. and oh boy I wish we had 50k on marketing, the website & content is done part-time by the same team working on the OS.

My conclusion exactly. These guys clearly missed the boat on fake phones. Fake ICO is where the real money is.

The little information that is on the site about the specs of the phone has massive vaporware smell.

Doe the monochromatic design language reduced battery consumption by limiting the usage of colour pixel matrix on the LCD screen?

I imagine it will be oled or something similar. Any black pixels will simply be off. Not sure how a white pixel saves power though, since it needs all three RGB to make white.

It says LCD in the description.

I can imagine they keep backlight down most of the time.

good observation! with this contrast 10% backlight is enough for almost 80% of lighting conditions. we initially used OLED and our phones after testing managed to use on average around 65% of the energy with our ui. We're dropping it unfortunately as its a supply-chain nightmare.. (for now). Black and white mainly increases your focus sharply

Trying to do hardware and software simultaneously from the start is going to kill this project. Pick one and get it right; let the lessons from that inform the next phase.

It looks like you're building a pretty generic device with an interesting software stack, so I'd start by making the software shine, and leveraging e.g. LineageOS to get an install base. Once you have feedback from a good swath real users you can look at making a bespoke device based on real-world needs.

well put advice. However countless projects started the software route and never managed to go beyond step 1. We're focusing on HW atm, offering a great price point, great experience, insurance and using as much off the shelve software as possible. Offering a complete working package that just works right now. And installing the software one by one

> offering a great price point

For the listed specs, €359 is not a great price point.

As an example, Xiaomi Mi A1 has similar specs and goes for ~ €150.

Looks fake.

Do you have any working versions of the phone?

A video of the phone being used?

All pictures look like renders, not real devices.

Not sure who would pre-order something with such little information.

"Looks fake" was my first impression as well.

Based on the existing information, this looks to be a phone running on Android. And it'll be preinstalled with Uber and Facebook messenger.

So it's a minimalist phone for people who don't care about privacy? I don't get it.

I agree. I was kind of hoping for a phone that just does call and SMS and browsing.

and navigation and music edit: and email and calendar

https://www.instagram.com/p/BgHeTAjFlmZ/, https://www.instagram.com/p/Bdxps6lHBE2 are not renders, yes we have working versions of phones. We're not accepting any money before youtube reviewers post their reviews (June) for now pre-ordering right now just reserves you a spot

EDIT: Given the presence Blloc has established online, it's likely that this is a real project. My apologies to adhambadr and the rest of the team.


I noticed this as well. The images of the device are entirely inconsistent with one another [0].

* Rendering effects are visible in some of the images

* The front is displayed inconsistently. In some renders, a speaker is shown. In others, it is absent.

* The front is shown as having a black bezel at the top in some images and on the bottom in others.

* The radius of the rounded corners fluctuates between top and bottom and from image to image

* On the back, the fingerprint reader, camera lens, and LED may or may not be present from image to image

* Antenna cut outs are depicted as either horizontal or vertical

* The side buttons do not appear congruent

* The information on the back is inconsistent (sometimes device info, sometimes Blloc)

* The camera style fluctuates from image to image (sometimes single lens, sometimes dual lens)

On the flip side, the domain has been registered since 2016 [1] and the project has been referenced on other sites [2][3] (using some of the same rendered images). The Instagram [4] has had posts since 2017, but, again, most appear to be renders.

From adhambadr: trademark application [5] and university article [6]

[0] https://imgur.com/a/W6ogsZJ

[1] https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=blloc.com

[2] https://competition.adesignaward.com/design.php?ID=54753

[3] http://startuptv.io/startups/blloc-die-smartphone-alternativ...

[4] https://www.instagram.com/bllocphone/

[5] https://register.dpma.de/DPMAregister/marke/register/3020172...

[6] https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/profund/aktuelles/news/EXIST-...

not sure how to proof we're legit, but here are some more links : from berlin university (https://bit.ly/2vDJHSs) & our trademark registration : https://bit.ly/2HoiXed (why would we bother if it was a scam?)

pictures are a mix of renders and post edited photos, the models changed over time as we tested / verified components

No comment on the original question, but a simple set of photos taken today of you handling the phone would be proof. Trademark registrations are relatively cheap and easy, pointing to one as proof that you made a phone seems really sketchy. Again, not taking sides here.

appreciate the honest edit mate. We def. did something wrong on communication to give some people this perception will work on it. Let me know if you any other suggestions / questions

Basic Android phone with fancy skin, what am I missing? I suppose their custom launcher app might be neat, but I'm not sure I'd buy complete phone just for that..

Check out Siempo (www.getsiempo.com), a new launcher with a similar mission.

I don't see anything minimalist in the specs.

What I do see is the UI which looks good (at least on pictures), and, above all, looks consistent.

There would be definitely a market for such an UI. (It's more lucrative if sold with dedicated hardware, of course.)

I see lumia/microsoft tiles ;-)

Which is good, to my mind.


I really liked the UI of windows mobile 8 (10 a bit less so) and I find it quite unfortunate that MS decided to 'kill' the platform (there are rumours about new lumia, buuuut) - it was very well optimised, it was easy to grasp and was intuitive, even for older people (got one for my dad and didn't have to explain too much how to use it).

Yeah if it can run Facebook, Uber, WhatsApp, etc its going to need a full stack and lots of resources.

Good idea. Actually this year in the same thougts direction i refused to buy iPhone X. I use iPhone SE with minimal setup of Reeder, Protonmail, Viber, Mullvad Vpn. Made shortkey to homne button for reducing white point and aded black and white color filter. I am definetely your customer base but this is what i want: 1. High res ink display. 2 Open source OS, no ties with Google. 2. Web based apps (like Palm OS). 3. Security by default, hardware encryption etc. 4. Default mail client. 5. Third party GPS / Maps/. 6 Original visual language. If someone made this, i will spend 500+ eur instantly.:)

Does anybody know of any projects similar to this one (and Light Phone 2 [1]) but for desktop OS in laptop format? Apple's products of late does not interest me and I'm stuck with my beloved 2013 MacBook Air until it dies or something better comes along. I have yet to find something better.

I long for a laptop purposely designed for productivity, simplicity and minimalism. Ideally with a custom designed OS (could just be a linux distro checked for compatibility etc.) to go along with it.

Is anybody working on something in this vein?

[1]: http://www.lightphone2.com

Define "designed for productivity?"

If I'm a writer, I will need very different things than a video editor or software developer to be productive.

That's true and a fair point.

Although I imagine many aspects to be the same for many general needs (while clearly not for very specific needs). Ideally, those which aren't (such as, perhaps, the monitor) for said general needs could offer multiple choices.

I wanted to be inclusive by saying "productivity" since at this point I'd be open for literally anything that is purposely designed with those general goals in mind — whatever the professional pursuit. It may still be superior for my specific needs compared to all the bells and whistles I keep seeing.

Lot of people want eink on a laptop (including myself) - mostly for the benefit that it's readable in the sun and low power. My understanding is the refresh rate is still too slow and the cost of a large panel is pretty high.

I'd just grab a used thinkpad, chromebook, whatever and treat it as a dumb terminal. Pretty much how I used my laptop these days, ssh -X to a powerful machine and go. emacs --daemon / emacsclient (and of course a couple tmux/screen sessions) means I never lose my state.


My most recent search for any developments in e-ink laptops was literally yesterday. My understanding is that current e-ink screens are not technically limited to low refresh rates, but are artificially limited to save power. (I think someone hacked their e-reader to run linux at fairly high refresh rates?)

Regarding dumb terminal, if your situation allows you to I feel this is currently one of the better options available. One problems is you still need to browse the web locally and graphically and use various tools not available using emacs and/or the command line. And when internet connectivity is not available.

Maybe I don't quite understand what you want then. If you want minimal productivity focused machine just setup your system that way. Install the tools you need and call it a day?

I was looking for something like that and settled on i3.

"The root" is an exact copy of BlackBerry 10's Hub and sounds great. The problem with all these new phones is they can't secure enough funding or developer attention to ever take off. Not to mention hostility from third party app providers like Facebook. This is android based which is great, but how the heck is The Root supposed to work? I don't think it's possible with closed APIs and walled gardens. You chat with your facebook friends how and when facebook wants you to.

For a while now people have bypassed Facebook's API restrictions for chat and news-feed by using the "mbasic" webpage version. It's pretty trivial to get around most of their API hostility. How long that'll last I don't know, but it's a pretty important service for connecting people in places with very low bandwidth.

But... That said, building one decent chat app is a massive time sink in itself. Then do this for many different popular apps with massively varied features (Google maps, Uber, etc) - then build that all into Android, then build the hardware - this phone isn't going to be released for years.

Note that it's a pre-order and not an order, it's just not ready yet and likely will never be ready at their price point. They'll get less backers than they expect, burn through the cash faster than they want and will struggle to meet their promise. As other comments have points out, they're better off starting with lower expectations and a website people can use. That's all just assuming it's not a scam.

its a bit of hurtful truth bArray there. We did already pull back a bit on most of our SW promises and packed them inside a "beta-mode" as we realised after testing a personal driver phone is no experimenting ground. This post just beat us before we finished relaunching our website with a simpler communication strategy and a def. a better website.

>its a bit of hurtful truth bArray there.

I can say from personal experience that it's never easier to hear either. Starting with good intentions is not the same as delivering a good product.

Out of interest, how far along is this project now in respect to hardware and software? Is it ready to ship once you have enough orders?

>We did already pull back a bit on most of our SW promises and packed them inside a "beta-mode" as we realised after testing a personal driver phone is no experimenting ground.

Don't get me wrong, your SW looks awesome. Actually, I would really love a version of this phone I could run Linux (proper Linux, not Android) on.

>This post just beat us before we finished relaunching our website with a simpler communication strategy and a def. a better website.

That's unfortunate. You should "relaunch" your PR push and get across some kind of "we listened" to cheaply get yourself back into public eye on good terms.

Thanks for your honesty. I do hope your project succeeds and the root turns out how you planned, I just have some doubt. It's been tried before. Keep working at it :)

who is the manufacturer? what country is it manufactured in? basic information that no one provides, and you have to go to the store to look at the back of the box to see...

It is made in the U to the S to the A. Just kidding. Won't even happen in my dreams.

I am totally looking for a phone like this which serves the minimalism purpose.

All I need is Calling, SMS, Whatsapp, Browsing (HN), News Occasionally, Email, Calendar, Navigation (maybe Uber)

Apart from the Black and White UI and amazing looking device, why is this any different than installing Copperhead[0] on Pixel XL and sideloading chosen apps?


we actually tried copperhead at the very beginning as our base, too slow unfortunately.

>Instead of multiple distractions we aim for focus. Instead of fragmented conversations, we strive for continuity and fluidity. Booking your flight, checking the weather or ordering an Uber, it all happens in one place, the Root.

I don't see how this will work but reading my messages whilst being informed about my Uber, flights, and/or weather seems quite fragmented and unfocused.

Nice landing page and an intruiging concept. The Spotify glyphicon is wrong, though - it looks like a duplicate of the one for weather.

You should feature Signal in your app section.

It would really mean something to all twelve of us.


Will you be able to remove or add different widgets (FB/Uber/Maps) on the phone or are you locked with what is pre-loaded?

This is getting very close to what I want in a phone - a pared down smartphone that has the basic utilities for when I am away from a desktop/laptop without the social + internet distractions.

I was initially very excited about this device until I read that any app can be downloaded from the Play Store. I doubt my willpower is strong enough to stop me from eventually downloading a browser, Reddit, Instagram, etc... Therefore, to me, this phone is really no different than the iPhone that I already own.

What I'd prefer is a device with no ability to download social apps, a browser, games or even news apps (when did 24/7 access to the news become a necessity?). A device like this is bold but, if it caught on, could change society in a positive way. No more endless checking of social media, the news etc. while on the go or in the company of friends/family. It could strengthen the connections that we have with others.

mmm. that was more or less our initial concept in 2016 : https://www.instagram.com/p/BQ5hmZqhkNU/?taken-by=bllocphone. But the main feedback and learning was: you can't do without apps. Theres an app for everything and little things and you need it. (like the metro app for a tiny village somewhere) However overall UI design & flow matters, and currently everything is designed to make u more addicted. Try switching from an iphone to an older Android, install a minimalistic Launcher and you'll see how less you check facebook and the news. However its slow af and some apps won't work.

What. Why should a device be responsible for your own self control?

Also, you can just install a parental control application and block any app store downloads.

removing is easy, adding takes time and it depends on the app. shoot us an email which widgets you think are urgent

Would love to get more information on this Blloc OS in terms of updates, both security and regular. Also, a video of this thing in action wouldn't be bad either.

It's definitely an interesting concept, but for me at least I need a lot more information from the get-go to go ahead and pre-order.

>Blloc OS

Everything indicates this is Android based. Some remarked it was compatible with the Play Store.

I am interested, but I will never pre-order another product.

Has anyone seen any details about ship-date / progress?

fair-point. we will also (try to) never do kickstarter. We're shipping in August.

Good luck with the launch! I'll be keeping an eye out for the reviews.

Subscribed for email updates. I hope everything goes well with shipping


>The AOSP doesn't come with Google Services. You can build a device and sell it, but it will not have the incredibly important set of Google Apps people love, not even Google Play (so people cannot go and download Google Maps and Gmail afterwards).

Hmmm, and yet this comes with Google Maps... Suspicious...

Edit: A post below indicates that it is Android 8.1. I'm no lawyer, but it sounds like a trademark violation to sell Android but call it something else.

Lots of companies sell Android devices without explicitly calling it Android. The most notable example is Amazon (Android - without GApps - is the OS on pretty much everything in the Fire line, e.g. Fire Tab and Fire TV).

In other words, I think you've got it backwards: you're not allowed to use Google's branding/trademarks (including "Android") unless you have authorization from Google. Meanwhile, I'm not aware of any requirement to call the OS "Android" even with that authorization; the word "Android" doesn't show up at all in the official product page for Samsung's Galaxy S9 [0].

[0]: https://www.samsung.com/us/mobile/phones/galaxy-s/galaxy-s9-...

Incorrect. Look at the specs page: OS Android O (8.0)

It's not just that it's not visible, it's the Blloc is pretending they invented an entire new os ("Blloc OS").

Amazon Fire is a different story, because they package their own app store (not the Google Play Store). But Blloc is loading the Play Store. I am fairly sure that a requirement of doing so means you have to accept the Google branding (i.e. you have to call it Android).

Well shoot. I even did a Ctrl-F on the page and got zero results, probably because it was hidden under that drop-down.

Regardless, worst-case is they just have to tweak their OS branding to be "Android with Blloc Root" (which is what HTC does, i.e. "Android with HTC Sense"). Yet I'm not finding anything which explicitly requires that (only finding instances where use of Android branding is not allowed, e.g. FireOS).

oxygenOS ? lineageOS ?

How do you say the name? It might be problematic especially if there are more than one involved.

I'm unclear from the website what exactly the pitch is. I really like the idea of a grayscale medium intelligence phone which helps counter the addictive nature of smartphones and is focused around the essentials: maps, camera, calendar, email, slack...

For some time my wife and I have both been wanting a dumber minimal smartphone, to help break our addiction to our phones without depriving us of their usefulness. This might be a good fit, but it's hard to tell from the website.

Devices like this intrigue me but the price always seems way too high. I wonder if anyone will actually come up with a minimalist phone that has a minimalist price to match.

honestly its the lowest thats technically possible to sell. Good components just cost that much. After vat our margin is around 35 (pre-retail) which is lower than most vendors, meaning if we sell to retail we wont make a cent. it just costs that much to get tested, working components with decent manufacturing. If you find good specs cheaper trust me they used B-grade components that will break down sooner or later.

If your margin is 35, you are going to go out of business unless you can find a way to create additional revenue streams. Your customer lifetime value is likely going to be less than 100, if that. If you sell a million customers (which I think is a very difficult number to reach with this semi-niche phone,) you are going to still be struggling over the long term. A 10% margin is not enough. One misstep wipes out your margin. Also with each phone you sell, there will be additional support and warranty expenses that likely haven’t been added to your unit cost.

If wish you good luck of course, but just be aware that building the phone — that’s the easy part: sales, support and the software — that’s a lot of “stuff” that costs significant money — an expense that continues past the shipping of the actual device.

There are two ways to win in the phone business- market share/volume or profit per unit. You are also competing against established manufacturers with essentially a barely-deferentiated product and, given your margins, customer acquisition is going to be very, very tough.

If it were me, I’d work on a completely new OS — I’d build an entirely new thing rather than just something marginally different — and ostensibly, marginally better. A generic phone with a different flavor of Android — do you really want to go up against the Samsung’s and Huawei’s?

No disrespect intended — I hope you succeed!

I both disagree with your assertion, and find it sad that michaelmior is being downvoted.

My wife uses the moto G Play. <150USD for a perfectly functional phone, and frankly I'd even call it "far from minimal," (it has features that many flagships unfortunately don't support any more, e.g. sd cards, removable batteries, and headphone jacks) and for years have looked for an even more commodity platform myself since I have no need for apps or beefy hardware. (GPS, text, html only browser, email, with barely enough horsepower to run the above + a beefy battery would be the pipedream, and sounds _not too far_ from the brick phones I used ~20 years back)

As I told a coworker when I saw this post: Either our expectations of "minimal" or the english language has gotten entirely out of wack, because 350 pounds for a smartphone is so far from minimal as to be laughable. Maybe a "minimal flagship" (and this is where I'm inclined to think the gap between your view on this and mine is, where you said 'if you find good specs cheaper'. Perhaps my view on "good" is a much lower bar, but I'm perfectly happy with my 60$, 5 year old Lumia, and find it to be _far more minimal_, while directly challenging your "break down sooner or later" assertion; I've had droid flagships that didn't last as long.)

I guess you're right we have complete perception of minimal. I wrote somewhere else our aim was to be exactly between Flagship smartphones and complete detox options like litephone or an old refurbished nokia, I think you're more looking for those options.

You're probably right re: how we're looking at minimalism, and if that range was your aim, your price point seems much more fair.

The mental dissonance came for me simply from my perception of the word "minimal;" I have a wonderful moment of "Oh man someone's finally making the phone I wish I could buy" whenever I see a thread with this or similar verbiage, then the sad realization that I'm apparently too far to the 'throw out everything but your matress' side of minimal.

I was simply surprised to have not seen other feedback along this vein, and moreso when the other commenter was going grey for advocating what I thought were some good examples of models in that range.

Anyway, I'd want to cap this with a friendly "good luck"; Don't take my jaded disappointment as anything more than the whinging of someone tilting at the windmills of eternally larger and more expensive phones. (Although if you DO ever get the chance to advocate for a truly bare-bones-minimalism in a future product, here's a hearty nudge nudge from this curmudgeon.)

thanks a lot and sure I def. got your point and I think our target is different than you (you should checkout the other products like lite & punkt). The tag - minimalist was written by the OP and not us, we barely use (and stopping more often) the term minimalism esp. that closely to our brand / product. our html title is "back to the root" and our slogan is "people first" (printed on the packaging & on the back of the phone) as it better describes our mission.

I've had good smart phones (e.g. Moto G) in the recent past for less than half that price. Maybe I'm just not in the target market.

It will involve minimalist features, like minimalist horsepower and screen size.

Quite minimal phone-only phones do exist, like Punkt MP 101, or more conventional phones, especially kids-oriented.

I had a Moto F3 for a while and the battery lasted forever but the lack of features was sort of brutal: the screen was e-ink but only an 8-segment display one so it was impossible to see things like unicode characters and even distinguish between capital and regular case sometimes. This seems a nice balance between that and a smartphone.

Edit: I got my Moto F3 for 20 bucks, the Punkt is 229. Nope.

For an unconventional phone (=limited target group, risky) + the insurance + the work going into the app integration the price does not seem to be high at all, to me.

It's true that in this case the insurance is a nice benefit. But as a consumer, I don't really care about the fact that the venture is risky. I'm getting a phone with fewer features, but not really paying less.

It's less than $450. That's pretty reasonable for a high-end smartphone (Samsung's Galaxy S9 clocks in at $700+), and this does look to have rather high-end specs (octa-core CPU, 2160×1440 display, 4K recording, 13MP camera, 4GB RAM, 64GB storage + SD card slot).

Sure, it ain't in the same price bracket as a bargain-bin ZTE or Moto phone, but it ain't in the same specs bracket, either.

I like the idea! Aaaand I'd love to try it on my Pixel, because I know and love its hardware.

Is there a functionality reason that restricts the OS to the Blloc hardware, or might we see OS builds for certain hardware targets available for purchase eventually?

Including insurance is brilliant.

Looks like designer vaporware to me.

All focus on the typography and making stuff “look cool”, without any concern for how the page actually functions or how the device would actually function.

All UI, no UX.

Impressive. Per the site, this is a phone that adopts a monochromatic interface to increase power efficiency, yet there is no mention of battery life anywhere.

Nice design. I also like the idea of built in insurance (but only 12 months, seriously?). Fact that it runs Android kills the case for me, though.

thanks. We're still negotiating extension price (for an extra 12) but will be < 20€. Whats the no-go in Android for you ? you'd go for a phone that can't install most apps out there ?

Hi Adham, I'm a reporter with TNW, and I'd like to learn more about your progress with Blloc. Please could we chat? I'm available on Twitter (@aghoshal) and via email - abhimanyu@thenextweb.com.

Thanks for your time!

Interesting but I'd like way more details before preordering. The extended battery is specially appealing but it needs way more explanation.

Has this phone been subsidised by EU tax payer? It would be good to see what kind of support has been provided by entities in the footer.

Probably the font size heirarchy must be reviewed and changed to rem and em values instead of pixels. Incredibly hard to read!

It would be nice to have the physical dimensions of the device, how can the manufacturer leave out such an important detail?

I would like an e-ink smart phone please

Battery Non-removable, closes tab.

I appreciate the honesty of them pointing this out on the website though.

No headphone port. Tab closing intensifies.

Will this be available in the US? if so, which carriers or can it be purchased unlocked?

I stopped reading as I came to the "Facebook messenger included" passage..

Are there any videos of the phone in action? Curious about the UX!

Just a warning on the name. Phonetically, it could sound very close to bullock, or bullocks (if multiple of them).


I think it's on purpose, because it's a fake marketing site designed to steal the money of gullible people.

It's a smartphone but in grayscale.

Meh. Just give me some portable device like the PocketCHIP or the ZipitZ2, not this hipster bullshit.

This is just for a different audience than CHIP.

Good luck running e.g. Google Maps or Firefox on a CHIP.

Also, Surf with the PSP user agent is really good.

But someone will create a clamshell like device as the old 90-00's PDA with Linux, and it will show Android as a clunky device to create media instead of being just a TV substitute.

GMaps works on the chip :p

PocketCHIP looks to me to be the definition of hipster, haha!

Doesn't it have a front camera?

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