Hackers and Founders is having scaling problems. We've accidentally overbooked our Tech Talk event[1] tomorrow night at the Hacker Dojo, and we have over 100 people on the waiting list as well.
We could really use a venue in Palo Alto/Mountain View area that can accommodate around 400 people for a 2 1/2 hour event tomorrow night between 7 and 9:30pm.
We're checking in to space at Facebook. I don't know people of influence at Google :D. Hacker Dojo fits 150 comfortably. Stanford hasn't been very excited.
Feel free to call me:
408-963-7366 or email me: jonathan@newsley.com
If you can help out, we will sing your praises and give you a pound of fair trade coffee that was hand roasted for my by Mennonite/Amish missionaries in Honduras 3 days ago when I was there. It's a tasty cuppa Joe.
[1] http://www.hackersandfounders.com/calendar/14399920/
Joel and Yesenia of Microsoft BizSpark.
The meetup is changing venues and will accomodate 350 people at the Microsoft campus in Mountain View. I'll be updating the meetup page shortly.
BTW, BizSpark is also hosting SuperHappyDevHouse40 (the party for hackers, thinkers and robots) this Saturday in Mountain View – more at: http://shdh.org/40
Joel, Yesenia, I owe you big. Thank you so much.