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I agree - i would not include ECOOP and Curry On in systems research. They are prog language conferences. Systems research are the USENIX confs (NSDI, ATC, Fast), SOCC, SOSP, OSDI, Eurosys. Typically 10-30% of papers are european (often with American co-authors).

I think things have gotten worse, if anything, since Peter Druschel's article on the state of systems research in Europe a decade ago: https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00444781/document

In any case, the largest systems software company in Europe Nokia, went belly up due to a crap OS. Now we're left with SAP, who are just trying to protect last generations' software (a DBMS and its stack). Where are Europe's next big players? And why do they sell out so quick (MySQL, Elastic, JBoss, etc)?

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