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Most of this article I agree with, such as the need for BOTH unit and integration testing, the need to focus on automation, and the need to turn regressions (bugs) into new tests.

I also agree that "Paying excessive attention to test coverage" is not good. However, I completely disagree with much of its supporting text. If your test code coverage is only 20%, then by DEFINITION your tests are awful. That would mean that 80% of your code is completely untested. I agree that for many programs 100% code coverage is not worth the effort, because those last few percentages cost more than their benefit, but that doesn't mean that such low coverage makes sense. Most organizations I've worked with recommend at least 80% statement coverage, as a rule of thumb. I haven't seen any studies justifying this, but this essay doesn't cite anything to justify its claims either :-). You'd want much higher statement coverage, and also measure branch coverage, if software errors are serious (e.g., if someone could be physically harmed by an error). You should focus on creating good bang-for-buck tests first; code coverage is then a useful tool to help identify "code that isn't getting well-tested at all." It's also useful as a warning: 100% coverage may still be poorly tested, but low coverage (say less than 70%) means the program definitely has a terrible test suite.

This statement is misleading: "You can have a project with 100% code coverage that still has bugs and problems." That's true for ANY program, regardless of its testing regime, because any testing regime can only test an astronomically small fraction of the possible input space. A program that just adds 2 64-bit numbers has 2^128 possible inputs; real programs have more.

>That would mean that 80% of your code is completely untested

That is not always a bad thing. Maybe depending on the application this 80% is trivial and never breaks. It is explained in anti-pattern 4 that you should start with the critical code first.

>Most organizations I've worked with recommend at least 80% statement coverage, as a rule of thumb

This number is making MANY assumptions.

I would demand different code coverage from an application that runs on a nuclear reactor and from an application that is used as point of sale in a small pizza restaurant.

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