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So wait - this is about clientside cookies that a developer would knowingly choose to write versus something that is just automatically happening behind the scenes with asp.net? Aka, if you never write any cookies - encrypted or otherwise - then this doesn't apply to you or your app?

I don't know ASP.NET at all, but this is the way I understood the article:

If a developer writes a cookie, it's not encrypted and the user can easily change it. Just normal cookies.

If a developer writes a session cookie, ASP.NET encrypts it behind the scene and stores it in a cookie. Because the user doesn't know the encryption key, he can't change the session cookie. The developer doesn't do any encryption himself, he just tells ASP.NET "Please store this value at the user, but he should not be able to tamper with it".

However, crypto is hard, so because of the issue mentioned in this article it is possible to tamper the data.

Could someone correct me if I'm wrong?

All anyone "officially" knows right now is that there is some place in ASP.NET where the stack uses AES/CBC to encrypt data that is then passed back and forth with clients, and that place failed to prevent padding oracles. 'brl is close with Juliano Rizzo, and downthread he suggested that this flaw allows attackers to 100% effectively forge authentication credentials on any ASP.NET application.

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