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If you sellnon physical goods you are required to collect VAT when you cross a per country threshold.

Again only if the goods fall under the criteria set by TBES if you are above the limit in a specific country which in the UK for example is £85,000 and it's more or less similar across the EU.

This means that most businesses it's not an issue since you can have a turn over of a few 100,000 EUR spread across the EU without being required for registration.

This is also solved via your payment processors and what would you know the EU also offers you the infrastructure to register where is the one stop shop for GDPR?

Double check the thresholds in the various EU member states. They differ considerably, and the UK is an outlier in that it is so high.

34,000 EUR on average 31,000 without the UK, and 37,000 without the Nordic countries.

You also must provide a service that is qualified for VAT since it doesn't cover all non-tangible goods e.g. anything that is actually produced by a human but is delivered digitally like professional services.

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