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I love seeing the resurgence too. I wish the HN site would give some more love to their RSS options. /rss is OK but I'd like to see a separate feed for everything in /lists and a feed that will allow me to monitor responses to comments, by user or by specific comment, like what /threads?id= shows, so I don't have to constantly rescan that to see if anyone has replied.

You might like https://edavis.github.io/hnrss/

Feel free to open a Github issue with any feature requests.

"RSS feed of replies to a comment" is a particularly good one. I'll definitely look into adding that.

Not RSS but there's an email notification service for HN that is very nice http://hnreplies.com

Seems nice but, for me, a major benefit of RSS is not having to give out personal information or creating a new account. I've been activley deleting accounts anywhere I find RSS can replace it, like YouTube.

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