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How often will interviews be posted? Weekly? Bi-monthly? As often as you can get content? In any event, I've subscribed to your RSS.

For now it's weekly. The next one is scheduled for Friday and I'm going to post it on Monday. Hopefully, I will be able to do it even more often.

With a loose schedule (once a week), you may risk losing viewers who forget to return. What about scheduling something relevant for almost every day of the week?

  e.g. (and just making this up as an example)
  Monday - new video goes up
  Tuesday - you moderate/seed/encourage some commentary and follow-up questions
  Wednesday - interviewee responds in a specific follow-up entry (bit like Ask Slashdot or whatever it was)
  Thursday - maybe a text-only interview by email/IM, or a guest spot/entry?
  Friday - three curated links of similar about-my-job articles or links (e.g., Reddit)
Admittedly, that does impact the simplicity of what you have now, but I do think a finer schedule could help your stickiness.

I don't have much to lose yet, with all the success on HN I have only 2 feedburner subscriptions so far. But your advice is good, I will definitely give it a thought.

I gave your site a plug on Twitter. Not the sort of thing I would return to (I don't really like video on the web), but I like the idea and effort. Would definitely keep an eye on it if there were transcripts but, to be honest, it's not a service I'd pay for. (Same goes for Mixergy though I barely remember to skim those transcripts and usually just read some bullets/highlights if available.)

You could look at paid spots though, especially if you had more than one interview a week. A tech company might pay your hosting bill for the month if allowed to feature one of their developers?

Another thing might be trying to complement a HR service and make yourself valuable there. Can't think of anything off the top of my head, but a bit of brainstorming might uncover something.

Thanks for the plug on twitter. I definitely don't mean viewers to pay me for watching interviews, that's absurd. Also, my current hosting bill is $20 a month and I see no reason for me to ask anyone to pay it. What I'm interested in is growing the project to the level when I will be able to make something even more interesting out of it. That requires some established audience.

Make sure you always have two or more interviews ready, before you decide to publish more often. In case of the likely event that you run out of mojo for a while, or force majeure.

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