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I am not sure I follow you here:

When I store your personal data, I should be allowed to do so under the 1st amendment that is about speech?

Yes. Like I can’t retroactively ask you to remove what I said from your blog post.

> Yes. Like I can’t retroactively ask you to remove what I said from your blog post.

No. But I can ask you to remove my name and personal information from it.

That's precisely the problem and is a clear example of how Europeans value privacy differently.

Personally, I think it is a fundamentally important right that I be able to post a blog about how "the_mitsuhiko wronged me" in some way and have that information publicly accessible. European courts think you should be able to suppress such information—even if it is true.

That's.. that's not at all true. If it's a news story, then the GDPR isn't applicable.

Isn't it like more that the state itself can't ask/force you to remove something, but i as a natural person can?

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