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It comes into effect incomplete. Companies still don't know what to do. There are tons of questions unanswered and nobody knows how to be compliant.

The only people that seem to have this problem are:

(1) the ones that didn't bother to read the text of the law (which is surprisingly accessible)


(2) armchair lawyers that come up with all kinds of outrageous edge cases that nobody really cares about but that then get used to discard the law saying it's incomplete and that 'nobody knows how to be compliant'.

For real businesses that are affected by the law the vast majority of the impact is crystal clear and if they've done their homework they'll be more-or-less compliant by May and will at least be able to prove they made a good effort to comply.

I really should work up a to-do list that will get the average SaaS start-up to 90% compliance with the minimum amount of work.

Here's a to-do list to help people get started today: https://gdprchecklist.io/

This is false. There are third parties specialised in getting you compliant if you're unsure what to to - you can send your (legal/technical) questions to them and they answer you.

It still baffles me to this day that people just lie/spread misinformation on the internet (yes, there is a relevant XKCD for this) yet here we are.

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