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Hello all, I'm one of the founders of Insync. I shared the demo with Noah not knowing he would post it here. I'm glad he did :)

I will be glad to answer any questions.

I'm a bit confused by the concept. Why would I want my documents to sync to gDocs – when I already have gDocs that handles all the syncing? Sell me!

* I don't even worry about offline access anymore, since I'm basically never offline.

* I can share a document in real-time over gDocs.

* The only reason I have now to keep a document out of gDocs is formatting issues. Since these documents are synced to gDocs, I'll likely loose all the formatting.

It depends on your use case. Personally, I use Google Docs and Office.

But beyond that, it handles syncing and sharing outside of the GDocs folder. The feature set is actually quite broad.

Great concept. What about security? Will you have access to users' Google Docs files?

Thanks Andrew! The Google Docs access is approved via OAuth when you sign up.

I have one question:

Can I get a beta invite?

Sure, you can sign up for a beta at http://insynchq.com

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