This is plain wrong. You don't need to create a billion dollar company to be a successful entrepreneur, even though that's what investors want you to think. By Steve's definition, you just need to make more than you would at your corporate gig.
1) The world is moving towards remote work. You don't need to be in a rich country with talent. So long as there's good Wi-Fi.
2) If you have debt then you'll have to raise money and take a salary.
3) You don't need to do a friends and family round, or raise at all. We're bootstrapped, never raised a dollar.
4) I've met many entrepreneurs with young children or wanting to start families. Certain startups (eg. SaaS) can have very reliable income once you get your first several customers.
1) The world is moving towards remote work. You don't need to be in a rich country with talent. So long as there's good Wi-Fi.
2) If you have debt then you'll have to raise money and take a salary.
3) You don't need to do a friends and family round, or raise at all. We're bootstrapped, never raised a dollar.
4) I've met many entrepreneurs with young children or wanting to start families. Certain startups (eg. SaaS) can have very reliable income once you get your first several customers.