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Because its very natural to mix them into your daily notes, and reasonable to have them auto-collected and managed by a note tracking system. I have a notes app that does this, but haven't had time to clean it up and publish it.

Why do you mean by “mix”? It is not very natural to use the same system for both as you end up with non actionable data (notes) clouding your todo lists...

To take an example from this weeks notes:

  - [ ] fix `params.key_` copy pasted code
  - [ ] add ui to search mls listings  
  - [ ] review pr  

  Not sure how the extra param ended up on the search API but its there. Now have to pull it out and see if any systems are relying on its existence.  
Etc. I have one system to write everything out, and put todo's wherever is relevant to what i'm writing about. I then have the system parse the notes, pull out all the todo's and collect them in a single place. If your needs are less "estimate, time track" and more "here's things I need to do, and whether i've done them." it works great.

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