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Full Video: Today's Y Combinator startup school (justin.tv)
24 points by dawie on April 20, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Are videos of the complete talks going to be posted some place? The recoding on Justin.tv is spotty and incomplete.

Supposedly the guys at Omnisio (http://www.omnisio.com) recorded everything and will have it posted soon, although I haven't seen anything yet.

Half of that video is background chatter while they try to setup AV before and between presentations, most of which are missing. While I enjoyed listening to pg describe the moles on Trevor's head, I'd rather listen to the full talks!

"HackerTV is proud to be broadcasting Startup School, an all-day event that takes place on April 19th and teaches you everything you could ever want to know about technology startups"

that's a very hefty statement "everything you could ever want to know"

The video is pretty crummy. The VC talk loses audio. The Google intro is cut off. Does anyone have a real "full video" of this which can be re-uploaded?

I experienced some herky-jerky technical problems while viewing that, even though it was buffered up.

does anyone have an AVI avaible for this? i am having problems with te FLV download at Justin.tv (no sound)....

Paul Graham's talk almost made me want to cry. It starts about 1/3 of the way. Go watch it. And remember, be good.

That's a little creepy. It seems like Paul spoke about the "be good" tactic because that tactic works, not because it's emotionally appealing.


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