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I've used Duolingo for about a year now.

This is what I discovered:

1) It can't be your one learning source. You get the essence of the language but you'll never become fluent.

2) It's very good at keeping you engaged. It gets an A from me on that.

3) The web app is stricter and will force you to learn better than the Android app

4)On the Android app you can get thru the challenges without learning a thing. You can just guess.

5)Your mindset should be to learn as opposed to getting thru the challenges.

6)Grammar is important so make sure you read the text they post on the web app. The phone app does not have it.

7)Find someone to speak the language with you ASAP. Speaking is the fastest way to fluency.

8)They've started to monetize the app so ads are a problem now. And ad-free is expensive.

9) It's many times better than the in-class teaching I got in junior high. They should replace the 1st few semesters with the app.

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