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What if they dig up dirt on someone with the same or similar name? My mom can't give blood because of some guy with a name that is one letter different than hers. You'd think a different gender would make it easy to fix - but no, she finally gave up.

I got served a court summons for someone who shares my name that was being sued for not paying 100k in medical debt to MY WORK. it was super embarrassing and they walked in and threw papers at me.

It took me months to get it figured out because the people responsible for serving me just ignored me. They refused to believe they made a pretty massive research mistake. We had different middle names and birth dates.

> It took me months to get it figured out

Either way this would be a PITA, but it seems the easiest thing to do would be to just go ahead and show up in court. The judge would have you there for about 2 minutes before smacking down the lawyer for the side that summoned you, and sent you home. No reason to spend months working it all out...

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