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Not all who are in tech are founders. Also, I know a couple people who would probably at first try to write themselves in as "Student." Maybe that fits best alongside non-founder techs?

As a personal data point, I don't think I would mark myself as student even though I am currently a student. (Open question) What do you think differentiates a "student developer" from a "student?"

Depending on context, specificity (some students may not be student developers) or nothing. In this particular context, likely nothing. At the time I posted, the only options were "[Business|Tech] Founder" and "VC/Investor." I have only ever encountered one student who was also a founder.

What do you spend more time on? Because, as someone doing both half-time, there isn't enough time to be a full time dev (40+ hours/week) and a full-time student (4-5 classes, 3-4 hours/per class in the classroom, maybe half of that outside).

Yes, there is enough time. I currently do 35 hours as a dev and 15-20 as a student, and I think I could do 5 more hours of development. My social life would probably suffer a lot, though, as I'd have to work or study more on weekends.

And I have no idea whether I should say I'm a developer or a student whenever I have to choose. I tend to go with student because finishing college is my priority, but it's still an annoying question.

If "student" only takes you 15-20 hours per week, most probably wouldn't consider it "full-time." When I was in undergrad, spending 15-20 hours per week on school would mean about 0 hours spent studying.

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