Sure, but do you know them? If you don't, how will you judge if their reasons are valid for you?
In any case, the simple fact that the reasons are unknown speaks pretty heavily for the case that the reasons aren't universally valid, so you would be learning a dialect of C++.
Google documented pros/cons and reasons for their decisions in their style guide, which is public [1]. Whether or not Google's final decision is applicable to you, reading the pros and cons is informative. For example, their reason for not using exceptions is specific to their existing code base [2], but the discussion is informative.
Yes, the style guide is informative and Google does have reasons for doing things the way they do. However, they way they are doing things is decidedly not embracing Modern C++. Their teaching material will reflect their philosophy. Therefore, when you are learning modern C++, you should avoid their material. After you are comfortable with Modern C++, then you will have the perspective to differentiate the good advice applicable to you.