I agree, the libraries will get lighter, just like jQuery has been doing for some time. I tried Vue again recently, and it was a 30 second copy/paste and it just worked instantly. 2 minutes later I had an example working inline with a project I am working on. (how long does it take to build your first React app?)
Web components are the dream of sharing code widely across many different systems, just like HTML, CSS and JS do. This is why it will beat React in the long term, wrapped in a lighter weight set of frameworks.
Just the other day there was an article discussing how the virtual dom could be improved with a static dom, and then only partially updated at the edges, something React isn't even designed to do. (ie, it does a complete diff of the dom and manages the entire view, correct me if I am wrong here)
Finally, if performance is your game, browser optimized code, whether it's web assembly or simple improvements to components, it will always beat a virtualized layer on top of it. Again, React will lose on this point too.
The question is, how long will it take before there truly is something better widely available? Or is it here already and we can't see it's value yet?
Web components are the dream of sharing code widely across many different systems, just like HTML, CSS and JS do. This is why it will beat React in the long term, wrapped in a lighter weight set of frameworks.
Just the other day there was an article discussing how the virtual dom could be improved with a static dom, and then only partially updated at the edges, something React isn't even designed to do. (ie, it does a complete diff of the dom and manages the entire view, correct me if I am wrong here)
Finally, if performance is your game, browser optimized code, whether it's web assembly or simple improvements to components, it will always beat a virtualized layer on top of it. Again, React will lose on this point too.
The question is, how long will it take before there truly is something better widely available? Or is it here already and we can't see it's value yet?