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Show HN: A module that parses markdown to HTML || Node.js (github.com/talonbragg)
2 points by sparklingerr0r on April 6, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

You there are already dozens of modules that do this, right? Yours seems to only parse single lines, not the context.

Anyway, that's a nice beggining.

I actually added support for a whole markdown file, thank you for pointing this out to me.

I'd recommend that you add a .gitignore line for the node_modules folder, which will reduce the size of the git project by a lot

the build for codecov didn't work when I did that.

I'm not too familiar with travis/codecov, but maybe you could add "npm install" to your .travis.yml "install" section? That way the dependencies would be downloaded before the scripts ran.

Yes I will do that thank you for mentioning

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