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Google Apps (nearly) first class citizen now (google.com)
66 points by michaelfairley on Sept 9, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 35 comments

Google Docs is one big shipwreck if you happen to be logged into 5 Google Apps-powered accounts. If you try to open a document, it asks you which google apps account to use. And then it shows you a security error for all documents that don't fall under the GMAIL account.

Yes. I have that. Its very annoying.

I just want to a way to straight up combine multiple accounts. One login, one inbox, one contact list, multiple email address.

I second this. I was recently burned when I realized my Google Apps email accounts weren't forwarding all emails to my primary email account. Apparently you can't disable the spam filter on your Google Apps email accounts, which means that if an email is sent to your Google Apps email account and gets flagged as spam, you'll never see it unless you log into the account itself. I was hoping to just have a more professional email address for my business that would just pass everything through to my primary email address, but alas that still isn't doable from what I can tell. :(

When you make a filter, you can mark it 'never mark these as spam'. I made a filter for mail coming into that email address and selected that. It works fine.

This isn't exactly true. You can force it to bypass the spam filter by adding a few whitelist IPs in cpanel.

<-- Administers a ~19k user domain and had all kinds of problems with this.

Interesting that you consider a gmail address to be more professional looking than your own domain.

I think he meant that the google apps address is more professional and forwarding everything to his private @gmail.com address (probably configured to allow this apps address as a sender address)

I do this today with my various Google accounts by forwarding one to the other, then using the 'Reply from the same address the message was sent to' setting in the 'send mail as' section in the settings.

This way I can have multiple addresses feeding into the one inbox with one contact list and the ability to send mail as anyone.

This is fantastic. I just converted my Google Apps account and I can log in to nearly all the services without making new accounts. You don't actually see these new apps in the Dashboard, but basically you can log in to them using your Google Apps account.

The only gotcha is that users who have used their domain email for a consumer Google service (like blogger, google groups, etc.) need to resolve the conflict by changing the email of the consumer account.

It's missing web history, which I make pretty extensive use of. The things which are done are also sometimes broken. I have google reader, but I have no way to add people to sharing groups and it is totally erratic whether I can comments on the posts of my friends even when they tried to give me permission

It's great that Apps accounts can have Google Voice now (as well as all the other servers), so Apps users don't have to maintain a separate address book. I hope that it is possible to transfer Google Voice numbers from an @gmail.com account to an Apps account.

Apparently it's been possible to transfer between @gmail.com accounts, so I'd imagine they'd support this.

Here is the form you can request a transfer through: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=cjlWRDFTWERk...

It's possible, I have done this to my transitioned Google Account.

And now I won't be able to use the same browser for both personal gmail & work gmail any more.

Unless I use multiple-sign-on, which comes with a whole host of caveats, including no offline gmail.

This will not make life easier.

I just wish that the interface would stay up to date with gmail/google docs etc. I like the new changes to the gmail interface, but my apps account keeps the older one for now.

I'm sad YouTube won't be a part of this :(


Creating videos under your Google Apps account?

Why not? I'm sure there are many companies that would like to record and archive internal events.

The list is what is currently completed. They are aiming for 100%.

So, how is this table made ? 'Available' with 'checks' and 'not available' with crosses ?

Does that mean something which is 'not available' with a cross, is actually available ?

I tried logging into igoogle.com with my google apps login. It didn't work. Has anyone been able to get igoogle to work with your apps account?

Yes. You may need to use this URL: http://www.google.com/ig

Doesn't seem to work for me, presumably because the rest of my family have their language set to Swedish... :(

And Buzz isn't a service? I don't see a big red cross for it =)

With no way of migrating Android purchases, along with mountains of other data that is tied to my Google Account, I finally gave in and shifted my email from first@last.us to first.last@gmail.com. To be honest, I'm tired of managing my own email as well, even through Google Apps which I had configured for last.us.

I have my first@last.com just forward to my gmail address and hen set up gmail to send as the other account. That way, I keep my vanity and my sanity.

I used to do this too. My experience has been that certain email clients (Outlook on Windows, for one) will render your email address as

  first@last.us (sent by first.last@gmail.com)
Clearly not desirable, and in my case, unacceptable. I actually switched from the GMail webapp to multiple accounts in Mail.app for this reason alone. I miss the webapp, though.

You should be able to avoid this by setting up Gmail to use a different SMTP server:


(Click "I'm a Gmail or Google Apps user sending from an external address", then search for "on behalf of".)

Back on the webapp now. Thanks!

Interesting, I'm totally OK with that representation. I guess I'm not quite as vain as my vanity domain name would imply :) as long as my business cards look awesome (they do) that's all I really care about.

That doesn't work on mobile Gmail or Gmail via IMAP (like on iPhone Mail, for example). So it's a non-starter for me.

I've just about reached that frustration point as well. Any regrets with the move?

For me, yes. You lose all of your vanity URLs from Profiles, Youtube, Blogger, etc because you can't move those to your new account. You'll still have to manage 2 Google Accounts. Everything actually becomes MORE difficult because managing multiple accounts using the new "Multiple Sign on" feature is terrible. You constantly have to switch between accounts and many times if you switch accounts in one tab, a previously open tab is still in your other account. If you try to Compose Email, or Add a Cal Event, or something else, you'll get prompted for errors because Google doesn't know which account you're on.

This is terrible for Youtube (which isn't compatible with Multiple Sign on).

These new transitioned accounts are a complete disaster for existing users who have been using Google services. You can't merge your accounts at all, so plan on managing multiple accounts. It's sad too because the existing users were the ones who cried out for help on Google's forums. Existing users are the ones with the problems that need to be solved. Unfortunately these new transitioned Apps account do nothing for us...

Uh, we were talking about ditching the custom domain and pulling everything into a regular @gmail account.

No. I couldn't be happier. I have my gmail account setup to pull all of my email out of my other accounts (school and first@last) automatically. (They all get marked as unread since its POP, but that's okay; it's better than manually forwarding all the mail since I want to keep the old stuff. Not even sure if that's possible). So all my mail got migrated and is continually migrated so the other accounts stay empty.

The labeling feature, instantaneous syncing to my phone, search, etc... all the reasons gmail rocks, but now for all of my email. My mail is auto labeled when it is pulled through POP so I still know what account it was sent to, plus I'm already feeling way more on top of my inbox because I keep my email color labeled by project, etc. Sooooo nice.

The Android Gmail app sync is so fast that it gets to my phone before the browser extension tells me I have mail.

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