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This one really close to home for me. Upon joining one of my previous employers I found that while they had an IT system, there was zero reporting. So, people had no clue on exact uptime for various systems. Once we had it in place, we found tons of issues in the infrastructure setup, installs etc.

Cleanup was a long and arduous task but it failed in the end. The reason was people - many of the guys working on these systems were with the company for 3-5 years. These guys had grown into a culture of zero accountability and reporting systems were hazardous to their careers. So, they ensured the reporting system had only one leg.

  > These guys had grown into a culture of zero accountability 
  > and reporting systems were hazardous to their careers. So, 
  > they ensured the reporting system had only one leg.
Hmm, isn't that more of a symptom of a hazardous management culture? I've generally only seen this happen when people were afraid of unreasonable repurcussions.

I have definitely come across employees who acted borderline criminally irresponsibly, and had nothing to fear from management either way. Of course, not punishing that kind of behaviour is its own kind of hazardous management culture.

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