Signal and Telegram are very different. Signal has always been an open source project that allows you to audit the source and run your own server if you so desire [1].
It’s a project that has always put security first but made some compromises for usability — very different from Telegram which has put expansion and monetization first — and it was started by Moxie Marlinspike whose views and contributions are well-known.
With Signal, it is not a single point of failure. The Android, iOS, desktop apps all do end-to-end encryption. So a compromised server wouldn’t mean your messages are compromised.
The client would need to be compromised, and if the client is compromised, is toast as well.
It’s a project that has always put security first but made some compromises for usability — very different from Telegram which has put expansion and monetization first — and it was started by Moxie Marlinspike whose views and contributions are well-known.
With Signal, it is not a single point of failure. The Android, iOS, desktop apps all do end-to-end encryption. So a compromised server wouldn’t mean your messages are compromised.
The client would need to be compromised, and if the client is compromised, is toast as well.