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I had a chance to visit the UN-controlled buffer zone [not the city mentioned in this article] well over a decade ago when I stayed with some soldiers over there. In the buffer zone is the old Nicosia airport, complete with 1970s planes sitting at a disused terminal. There's also a car showroom which is preserved with new (1974 season) cars. You can't wander about much since the whole area is mined and they warn you not to walk off the paths or to touch any "unusual" objects on the ground. I have photographs, but they're on film so I'm going to have to get them digitized some time ...

Edit: Found an Atlantic article with much better photos than mine: https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2014/04/frozen-in-time-the...

> We'll fly you to the ends of earth![0]


[0] https://cdn.theatlantic.com/assets/media/img/photo/2014/04/f...

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