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Does "cockroach" refer to the nationality or to the ideology (cockroachism) and its followers? There is plenty of Turkish people who in no way deserve this moniker - this is obvious.

The ones on Cyprus, preventing the locals from even having a peek at their lawful properties, literally at gunpoint, the ones on the Navy ships bullying the Italians, the ones in Constantinople blackmailing Europe and the millions who support them are most certainly cockroaches though.

I am amazed by your arrogance, I hope you read enough about this topic and how did Turkish end up with doing the operation.

What is your opinion about why did Turkish invade the island ?

Not sure what exactly you are trying to say, but the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey is illegal under international law.

No discussion of legality can be complete without mentioning the July 1974 coup, and the Greek government's role in it. This willfully provocative act destroyed any possibility of consensus.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1974_Cypriot_coup_d%27état

There is a nuance between first and second operations in July and August. While occupation in second operation is pretty much an over reaction, first one was quite legal and necessary from the Turkish point of view. Greek state was in a turmoil and nationalists were trying to 'get the Cyprus back'.


I see no nuance. Turkey used the situation to further their own agenda. They have stayed in Cyprus long after their presence could possibly be justified.

Erdogan pulled the same trick to cement his authority with the recent 'coup' in Turkey.

IMHO it is just set of inept politicians not being able to negotiate properly for decades.

Also they tried to unite the island but South rejected in a UN supported referandum.


At this point, how can we negotiate with people who call Turkish people as cockroaches and so on, really.

Now Turkey has upperhand of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Cyprus_Water_Supply_P... for the negotiations, I hope they will use that and in next decades the island will unite.

Sorry, none of them were legal. This was pure and simple the idea of the Turks being unhappy with Greek Cypriot rule. Source: lived in Cyprus for 5 years.

Wasn't there terror attacks against British and Turkish on the island -not only on Turkish people, Greeks felt like island 'rightfully belonged to them' -? Wasn't there attempts to unite island with Greece at times by the both Greek and Cypriot nationalists ? There was a guaranteering agreement precisely for this reason and Turkey used his rights.


Everybody knows that - for the same reason Putler invaded Crimea and Hitler - Czechoslovakia. The true reason for all three "operations" was to turn the blue squares on the map into red ones.

And spliting the "operation" into "the first few weeks" (which might be justifiable) and the following "several decades" (which are impossible to justify) is I believe insulting readers' intelligence way more than the stupid turkroach meme.

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