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> What's holding back this city from being resettled by it's rightful owners?

Its "rightful owners" are greek cypriots. During the invasion of Cyprus in 1974 it became part of the turkic-occupied sector, but rather than resettle it Turkey set it aside as a bargaining chip assuming negotiations would begin soon.

So what's holding back this city from being resettled is that it's a forbidden zone regularly checked on by military patrols.

And in this case by "resettling" it is meant making the robbery official?

What robbery?

Well. These buildings as well as the tens of thousands of buildings in the "Occpied zone" have lawful owners. In civilised societies items often have owners - in the case of important items such as a beach-line hotel in a seaside resort, the ownership is accompanied by a document called a "deed".

These buildings have owners, who can produce those deeds, yet the owners are denied ownership. This did not happen (and is still happening up to this day) through a purchase or another legal act, but through violence, so I call it robbery. This is what it is.

You are not clearly communicating what you mean in your original post. Do you think the TC's are robbing? The GC's? I am not sure anyone is talking about resettling Varosha, so I don't really understand your point. In any case, the is no _money_ to resettle Varosha should the Cypriots every get it back.

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