assets like everything from real estate records to money to corporate stocks to car ownership to birth certificates.
What you call vagueness I call short sightedness and failing to see the big picture. It has been done before with all major breakthroughs since the applications are not immediately obvious to everyone.
There are a large number of people who... believe there was a conspiracy to produce a falsified birth certificate for the previous president of the United States. If it were on a system where the original record could be viewed in a transparent forgery resistant way then that wouldn't have been an issue. Maybe.
what do you mean? you are too focused on SV "solve a problem mantra" you keep repeating can think of tamperproof, speed, transparent, public keywords.
you want private land ownership records? private tax records? private stock ownership records? you hate it so much your reasoning becomes blurry man. think a bit
Several states in the US are accepting tax payments in bitcoin. Additionally ever out of counties in the US which are putting real estate transactions on a block chain
> Several states in the US are accepting tax payments in bitcoin.
Citation needed. The Arizona senate barely passed one such bill, but it would still need to pass the House and the governor. Arizona's government is known to do silly things in a vain attempt to be tech relevant.