Statistical deaths from pollution are weird though, in that you are perfectly fine legally as long as you pollute within the accepted threshold. Driving 50 miles in a car that pollutes twice the allowed amount somehow makes you responsible for fractional statistical deaths in a way that driving 100 miles in a car that pollutes the allowed amount does not.
This observation does in no way absolve the polluters, but the big picture would be incomplete without this perspective. We all have some blood from statistical deaths in our hands, some people more than others, and again some of them more than others because they broke some rules we introduced to make the deaths not run or of bounds.
But VW was not polluting within the accepted threshold. They were very specifically defrauding regulators to try to get away with polluting far beyond the accepted threshold.
This observation does in no way absolve the polluters, but the big picture would be incomplete without this perspective. We all have some blood from statistical deaths in our hands, some people more than others, and again some of them more than others because they broke some rules we introduced to make the deaths not run or of bounds.