I'm confused why more people here aren't calling the driver out on this.
My understanding is that Uber knows these cars aren't ready and that's why they have a human at the controls.
I would have thought the driver would be instructed to maintain awareness of the road as though he were operating the vehicle and that looking away from the road in a manner that suggests he was using his phone would immediately relieve Uber of any responsibility.
Perhaps the collision still would have happened, but at least the driver would have the defence of "I was paying attention and meeting all the job-role requirements as safety-operator of the vehicle."
If the driver was paying attention but was unable to react in time, then I'd expect the same result as any other time that a commercial driver on public roads is involved in a fatal accident: Some kind of investigation, and if no fault is found, everyone shrugs and it's forgotten because shit happens.
My understanding is that Uber knows these cars aren't ready and that's why they have a human at the controls.
I would have thought the driver would be instructed to maintain awareness of the road as though he were operating the vehicle and that looking away from the road in a manner that suggests he was using his phone would immediately relieve Uber of any responsibility.
Perhaps the collision still would have happened, but at least the driver would have the defence of "I was paying attention and meeting all the job-role requirements as safety-operator of the vehicle."