I am voting for runkeeper.com for the win. I have a Forerunner GPS thingy in a drawer and use Runkeeper exclusively. Why would I buy yet another electronic thingy from Adidas or Nike or anyone else?
And why would I use one of the big guys' apps? They have ulterior motives and designs on my wallet and I can smell it. I'll stay away.
You should try using the forerunner with our site, http://ridewithgps.com - runkeeper, cyclemeter and the rest are definitely cool, but if you have a nice GPS watch you can avoid having to carry your phone. Though, if you like carrying your phone on runs then heck yeah, use runkeeper/cyclemeter/whatever app and sell the forerunner. Oh, and bug whatever mobile app to allow uploading to our service! There is lots of room for cooperation in the mobile fitness market, and I am excited to see how it all develops.
And why would I use one of the big guys' apps? They have ulterior motives and designs on my wallet and I can smell it. I'll stay away.
Go Jason.