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Wow, I had no idea there a buried option like that to really delete it.

Several years ago I read an article about how savvy teenagers and college students were calling account deactivation "Super Logout", since it was well known that deactivation was non-binding and immediately reversible at any time. If you were going to be away from your phone or computer for anything more than a few hours you would Super Logout and not have to worry about potentially embarrassing wall posts, tagged photos, tagged comments, unwelcome messages, etc.. It was all about having full control of who interacts with your account and when. I thought it was quite brilliant and I totally get why you would want to do that in the fast-paced social world of a teenager. Ever since I read that I've always laughed at people saying "I'm going to delete my account", thinking they were really deleting it. (I bet no more than a fraction, if any, ever dug up the full deletion option.) People think they are "deleting" their account while kids are literally using "deletion" as an advanced feature of the platform.

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