Buried in that Twitter thread is some ruby code for collecting statistic from the FB data dump. https://gist.github.com/dylanmckay/2b191a10068bd87d0fffba242...
for each of the types of data( location, images, click history, etc):
1. none
2. prompt
3. 1 day
4. 30 days
5. until deleted
or something similar
and maybe some of the service need to go to a pay model.
you were charged $XX for service
you were credit $XYZ for sharing personal data for XYZ time frame
you were credited $ABC for ordering ABC products and services.
Buried in that Twitter thread is some ruby code for collecting statistic from the FB data dump. https://gist.github.com/dylanmckay/2b191a10068bd87d0fffba242...