Why is the car driving at full speed if it can't see the road ahead? Does the car know that visibility is low? What other sensors are they using? Did the car notice the pedestrian once they were fully lit up?
This video raises so many questions. I think we're going to be revisiting this incident over and over again in papers, reports and eventually textbooks.
>Why is the car driving at full speed if it can't see the road ahead?
This is the best question to ask.
Why? Because going through all the comments, there seem to be 2 trains of thought:
1) LIDAR should have seen it. (car's fault).
2) It's the pedestrian's fault.
Neither of these questions matter. Because the real question is like you said: if the car couldn't have seen it, then why drive at full (or actually above legal) speed?
This video raises so many questions. I think we're going to be revisiting this incident over and over again in papers, reports and eventually textbooks.