Basically, I was wondering what would be the ideal introduction and flow to teach this - ideally it would start out easy and the more engaging the better! Obviously it makes no sense to try and force something if the kid isn't interested, so help me make it interesting and easy to understand!
I was thinking
-Scratch or Alice for the basic concepts
-Then either learnpythonthehardway, diveintohtml5, diveintopython3, ruby+shoes (hackety hack) (thanks to the respective maintainers/creators of these apps/sites)
Any comments (with or without experience) would be appreciated greatly, as I am unsure which of these would be most appropriate for a complete beginner, or whether there is something else that would be more suitable.
When we got our first computer, my then husband was excitedly explaining to me how to do stuff on it. I stopped him and said 'Where is the on switch??" My point: You may need to scale things back to where she is from your current vision.
Also, I recently showed my two sons a little html and css. My oldest has been wanting to learn a programming language and not finding anything intelligible for the way his mind works. A few minutes of demonstration and the light went on as to what kind of info he needed, which he promptly began looking up. We also used analogies using video games to provide some mental models for it. So if you run into any hitches, consider trying to adapt to her learning style and using something she is familiar with to provide examples.
Good luck. And I still want to learn a programming language, so would love to hear how this goes.