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I'm not here to judge how you self-identify politically. I'm here to debate the idea that Facebook and Politifact and Snopes (for some reason? Does anyone actually take them seriously?) and everyone else is biased against the often-maligned center-right, but there's some conspiracy where no one can talk about it unless they're far-right which of course no self respecting liberal would believe. And even Spotify is pushing liberal playlists, and Twitter never bans David Brock's bots, and everyone is out to get those center-right guys instead!

The idea that the mainstream media is biased against conservatives is an argument that just won't go away. At some point people who read the NYT or WSJ and say it's far too liberal may have to accept that their definition of "center" is skewed. And people can make mistakes or have opinions without there being any inherent and insurmountable political bias involved.

I apologize for assuming you were conservative, I didn't realize you identify as a liberal. It was a judgement based on the fact that you're claiming the very-much centrist mainstream media is too biased toward liberal news, and Facebook is too biased towards liberals with the very-much centrist mainstream media outlets, and YouTube is too biased against center-right figures without mentioning they demonetize controversial left-leaning channels, too. It sounded exactly like many far-right extremists I've talked with in the past, and again I apologize for that inference.

I don't think this conversation is going anywhere productive and we're getting dragged from the original topic, so I'll just finish by re-stating my point that if everyone is biased against your completely centrist and moderate viewpoints, your viewpoints may not be as centrist and moderate as you thought. This applies to both sides of the aisle.

> everyone else is biased against the often-maligned center-right, but there's some conspiracy where no one can talk about it unless they're far-right

Perhaps the issue is that people talking about it, regardless of their actual beliefs, are labeled "far-right". Hell, even Stephen Pinker has been called "alt-right" at this point.

> At some point people who read the NYT or WSJ and say it's far too liberal may have to accept that their definition of "center" is skewed.

Or perhaps the Overton window on what is considered "progressive" has moved left. For example, ten years ago, senators Clinton and Obama voted for a border fence.

> the very-much centrist mainstream media is too biased toward liberal news

Did you read the Podesta emails? It was example after example of mainstream journalists going out of their way to curry favor with the Clinton campaign. Once again, I think the Overton window of "mainstream progressive" views has shifted. For example, where are the Blue Dog Democrats anymore?

I would invite you to question your own biases.

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