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For what it’s worth, I think YouTube is generally much more net positive than Facebook (especially if you stay out of the comments).


>YouTube, the Great Radicalizer

https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/aug/13/james-dam... >James Damore, Google, and the YouTube radicalization of angry white men

>James Damore, Google, and the YouTube radicalization of angry white men

https://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/prager-university >PragerU doesn’t disguise the fact that it is waging a war for young minds. Though the site’s videos are clinical, their cumulative function is to proselytize, and the language PragerU uses to describe its mission is religious.

Buzzfeed accusing others of using methods akin to religious indoctrination, that's quite a howler.

I agree. I can’t imagine a better platform for educational content. Crash Course and Khan Academy have been a godsend.

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