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>One bad thing about CSS is cascading.

This is an odd statement, considering that the C is CSS is "cascading". Maybe it's a perspective issue, because I really enjoy the cascading part of CSS. Don't you think it's better that we _don't_ have to set a color for each element/child element individually?

I know C in CSS is cascading, that doesn't make it a good feature. I think it's one of the big reasons that the web is slow and bloated. CSS is needlessly complex, no wonder it takes herculean efforts from browser vendors to keep up with the exploding complexities [1].


One reason for the cascading is to reduce bloat. If the CSS is bloated because of cascading and/or needlessly complex then the CSS and/or design is wrong, not the cascading.

I don't think the web is slow or bloated, only individual websites are slow or bloated. CSS is absolutely brilliant, and from what I have read, Javascript is the main culprit for badly performing websites.

I don't think a solid argument can be made that because the CSS rendering engine is complicated that it's not performant. Chrome documentation says it's possible to target 60fps with CSS/JS animations.[0]

[0] https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/r...

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