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Its amazing how little of a splash this report made in the media. I guess it is because it doesn't fit much of a narrative. The biggest sources of lead exposure were leaded automotive gas and lead-based paint, both of which were phased out decades ago. There isn't any obvious current event to tie the reporting to. But the ongoing effect is HUGE as far as medical effects go; basically second only to smoking.

There's still ongoing exposure from lead paint, which was only phased out in the US around 1979. And the soil in cities is loaded with lead. People grow stuff in that dirt and eat the plants, not realizing the risk. Dust gets tracked in and ends up ingested in various ways as well.

It's a slow burn, and like you said, not linked to well-defined current events. The most you can say is "government continues not to do much about pervasive poisoning of population".

> Dust gets tracked in and ends up ingested in various ways as well.

What's this about? Is dust bad if ingested?

(dust contaminated with lead)

They didn't have a bill they've been trying to get passed for years that this story would have justified.

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