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This sounded like clickbait when reading the first bit (SHA1+iterations isn't that bad, as the SHA1 vuln doesn't affect password hashing), but it turns out the number of iterations is 1. That's not SHA1 "with a low iteration count", that's just plain SHA1. And no salt it seems.

Pretty bad indeed, but then again: this is a master password you're setting. The one password to rule them all ought to be strong anyway. If you do that, it's perfectly safe.

From the article, the password is salted at least:

"I eventually found the sftkdb_passwordToKey() function that converts a [website] password into an encryption key by means of applying SHA-1 hashing to a string consisting of a random salt and your actual master password."

> The one password to rule them all ought to be pretty strong anyway.

The problem is that each year definition of "strong password" changes, because of growing performance of CPUs and GPUs.

"Use a password manager" is always a good solution, I know. But well, who will remember the super lengthy password for the password manager? ;)

Passwords with 128bit of entropy have always been and will for the foreseeable future be secure with any password hashing algorithm that is not completely broken (i.e. uses a cryptographic hash function and a seed). 28 random alphanumeric characters fulfill the requirement and are reasonably fast to type, e.g. m7wdgdorhvi3jerzyztc2u642at

> The problem is that each year definition of "strong password" changes

Luckily, you can change your password.

Also, you could say the same thing for the hashing algorithm. Every year you'd want to up your iteration count or even upgrade algos (e.g. use memory-hardness when scrypt was released).

It works both ways, but overestimating is never a bad idea: if someone hacks you now and cracks it in five years, some passwords may still be in use.

I don't think the definition of "strong password" has changed much in the last ten years. The hashing schemes for storing passwords have changed, sure, but I think having sixteen or more characters with numbers, capital letters and symbols has been recommended for years now.

I have not heard anyone argue for requiring >=10 characters (9 is the highest requirement I've ever seen). 12+ I've heard being said as "if you really want to do it properly" in security reports for clients, but we know that'll hardly ever be followed for anything other than high-security places like sysadmins at a bank. I've never heard anyone say 16+, let alone it being the standard recommendation for years.

Most (all?) places that discover that 9+ is not good enough for the most valuable credentials, move to 2FA instead.

You can always use XKCD's password methodology ;)


You need to do it properly; the comic is misleading on its own.


I really, strongly, disagree with the core argument of this post.

His "solution" is to use shorter passwords. The XKCD method is good if you add separators, padding, etc; as expressed featured on xkpasswd.net

I highly recommend generating a password and then adding something unique to it.

For instance, a password I might generate would be:


It's memorable enough, and I highly doubt it's easily crackable. Certainly no less than 'tlpw2m'.

Even just //44$random$WORDS$11// is effectively just as safe, in the real world. Especially if you use gibberish words that aren't in any commonly used dictionary.

That blog post does not give any convincing argument against XKCD-style passwords. It seems to incorrectly assume they are "security by obscurity".

Honestly, I had a good laugh until I saw who wrote that. To be fair, I think Bruce is saying that most people will fail to pick truly random words, which is fair.

However, as you point out, it provides no argument against passphrases, aside from referring to them as a "trick". I still don't know how people look at the XKCD explanation (where Randall Munroe actually does a pretty good job of correctly and succinctly detailing the strength of the two password styles [1]), and call it a trick. The only trick is that your mind has an easier time remembering passphrases than it does remembering a similar strength random string.

[1] Specifically, Randall already assumes that the cracker knows that the password is a passphrase, and has the 1000-word list it was picked from.

Those pushed into FUD against XKCD password scheme can simply add more words. All arguments in https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/936:_Password_Str... remain, including the ease of remembering.

You still definitely have to accept at least four words actually randomly generated (this is important, else the scheme falls apart horribly). Accepting 6 random words is pretty secure IMHO.

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