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Something that changes over time is mutable. Time exists and we can’t escape it, even with time-indexed immutable data structures that implement explicit mutability. The only question is does the thing change internally (an object) or is it replaced with a new one (a value).

I think it's not at all evident that reality is not a value replaced with a new one all the time.

Even if that were the case, it wouldn’t be useful since we experience time with continuity anyways. Bob at time t is still Bob at t+1 even if his state (like position) has changed. If Bob were a value, then he would be another person, we would have to add a persistent ID to the bob values so we could see them as the same object.

> Bob at time t is still Bob at t+1

I guess we're getting more into philosophical issues now. If I leave an ice cube on my counter, at exactly what time is it no longer an ice cube.

Mutability is mutability, it also applies to ontology even if most OO languages don’t model dynamic ontology with inheritance (unlike say Self or Cecil).

Your ice cube was never just an ice cube in the first place, it was just some water that happened to be frozen as a cube...once heat was applied to the water, it’s state changed so that it eventually could no longer be classified as an ice cube.

> Your ice cube was never just an ice cube in the first place

That's my point. This idea that there are objects with mutable state is a myth. Even at the smallest scale, what we call elementary particles, are abstractions. There is nothing except the state of the universe at a given instant in time.

Again, we are unable to work or perceive at that level. So the abstraction of state is incredibly useful to us non-sub-atomic beings.

Agreed, but if we're accepting an abstraction instead of reality, than arguing for mutability because you think it's reality doesn't make much sense now does it? You're saying it's okay to abstract things away from molecules, but it's not okay to abstract things away from mutation. Why?

(Note that I'm not even persuaded yet that mutation is reality. I'm just saying that even if mutation were reality, it doesn't follow that mutation is the best abstraction with which to model reality.)

> Bob at time t is still Bob at t+1 even if his state (like position) has changed.

Again, I don't think this is at all evident.

What if we remove a limb? Give him a dose of LSD? Give him a brain tumor? Replace most of his cells as happens to each of us every few years? What change is large enough that it's easier to represent with:

   bob = getNext(bob);
...rather than:

   bob.foo = bar;
? Is it even harder to represent change one way rather than the other?

Indeed, socially, the concept of identity is a leaky enough abstraction to cause problems; for example if we are criticized for actions that we took years ago, it's easy to get defensive even if we are a different enough person now that we would never take that action now.

Bringing this back to inheritance: if it would make sense to model Bob as an instance of Child one day and as an instance of Octogenarian another day, why not create a new instance of Bob?

You want to argue this from the standpoint of "this is how things are" but I think that there are multiple ways to model Bob and which is appropriate actually depends more on the needs of the system than the true nature of Bob.

Bob’s state might change, but he is still Bob. That would also go for the Ship of Theseus. However you represent it, change is still change, it is still mutability.

We can argue if identity is useful in real life, but most people cling to names and identity, it isn't a controversial subject.

Dynamic inheritance is extremely useful in a programming language, though only a few have it. It is a very OO concept, as are the languages that have explored the concept (e.g. Self, Cecil, among others, even Javascript has this aspect, though not focused enough to use very well).

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