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I think I think this is pretty cool, but I'm not sure if the reasons I think it's cool are valid. For example, I can imagine a jukebox app for parties or bars accessible via SMS, but I can't tell if Spotifyd actually enables such an app. Furthermore, if Spotifyd does enable such an app, would that app be impossible without Spotifyd?

I glanced at the readme, but it looks like it's written for someone who already knows why they wanted an open source Spotify client.

Regardless of all the above, good work!

Seems like sp[0] (from the README) could be a pretty decent basis for what you want.

That said, AFAIK it's not technically legal to use regular Spotify in a public space. Spotify Business[1] seems to use a separate client, no idea whether that's instead of or in addition to the consumer ones.

[0]: https://gist.github.com/wandernauta/6800547 [1]: https://www.soundtrackyourbrand.com/spotify-business

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