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If this works as expected (and i plan on trying it out this weekend) it would lead the way to being able to add Spotify Connect devices to existing Stereo systems cheaply (a Raspberry Pi and possibly an external sound card)... Do the Pis still have crappy Stereo Audio? i remember the first (and possible second) gen ones being bad... not sure about the newer ones...

It's still buggy, but it mostly works as intended. I've been using it together with https://github.com/badaix/snapcast/ for whole-house multi-room audio.

The analogue audio is still pretty subpar. It's just (12bit?) pwm into a simple RC filter. the hdmi output is fine though, and there's a whole aftermarket of boards providing better audio (typically using their own dac on the i2s bus)

To repurpose your old stereo with a raspberry today, just run https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync on it :-)

This way you can send any audio from laptop/phone to the stereo over lan.

Not sure why you would want to limit yourself to the service of a single provider. (What value does Spotify Connect add, if any?)

Spotify Connect lets any spotify client act as a remote, and lets you hand-off from one sink to another.

The primary benefit for me is that a Connect client is actually connecting to spotify itself - it's less output sink and more headless client. So if I start spotify playing, and then close my laptop, it can sleep properly without interrupting my Connect device.

Shairport-sync is great for iOS clients, but I know of no way to stream the audio from my Pixel to my Pi.

For Android, or any other Linux based situation, you can just use PulseAudio for this.


Thanks! Very interesting. But it's not a good fit for me.

The source for the app used in the video is here: https://github.com/ford-prefect/pa-output-switcher

That repo links to a page about building an AOSP firmware image which uses pulseaudio: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Ports/A...

I don't want to use a custom firmware image. I like the firmware provided by Google, and the monthly security updates. If I were to switch to a custom build of AOSP, I'd need to sideload Google Play Services (by downloading it from a source I trust less than I trust Google) and would also no longer get security updates.

Unless you already own a RPi (or enjoy building your own), getting Chromecast audio is going to be the better option for this use case.

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