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Thanks, we would appreciate any feedback you have.

Yeah we wanted to give people a chance to experience hypnosis first hand before making them commit to signing up. Sorry you feel that way, we believe having user accounts is integral for successfully using the app because it allows progression, stats, personalization etc.These help develop it as a habit which is fundamental for fully changing your deeply ingrained attitudes and perceptions.

Accounts just mean a unique identifier on your server, and don't inherently require personal information. I.e. you can probably set it up so an account doesn't need an email address.

We're using Firebase for our back end which requires either an email or phone number for the user. However, if you want to be sly you could just put in another username in there and it should/could still work (don't hold me on that). Just means we can't contact you with email so push notifications are hopefully turned on.

Firebase has anonymous accounts which you later can connect with a new login provider (password, FB, google, etc) to provide persistent login.

While this is true. Name one mainstream app that actually does this or at least doesn't replace it with the (way worse) phone number option?

While there are many bad examples, that should not be a reason not to do it right ;)

Urban dictionary



I deleted at email request.


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