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The Decline and Fall of Tech on Digg (readwriteweb.com)
17 points by tandaraho on April 16, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

The author suggests that techies may migrate back to Slashdot. I, for one, never left. Their editorial selection for front-page news cannot be beat. The commentary is still drivel, though.

My philosophy: go to Slashdot for the news, come to HN for the commentary.

Slashdot is too noisy for me.

Aside from Hacker News, I still find some useful things on Programming Reddit, and I keep up with other tech news on Techmeme.

i've found myself going back to slashdot after a decently long absence as well, but man, it's like they are in a competition with digg over who can have the worst comment interface. it's better than it used to be, but it's way too noisy.

I still haven't figured out how the new comment interface actually works, which scores major negative points for usability. At least the old-style version was simple.

an all too common tragedy with growth on the internet; it's hard to manage the charm and experience for early adopters; popularity attracts mediocrity and pollution, a sad reflection of the interweb swarm. syndicated content was a savior from this information overload till the blogsphere copy/pasted other's original content to feed bloated link farms. woe.

side rant aside, this graphic does not paint an accurate picture as categories, liking gaming, now have their own section and not counted as technology... among other significant flaws.

personally, digg lost its charm for me when it started integrating youtube videos and offbeat. I can find that crap elsewhere and it completely attracted the wrong crowd to the other, more relevant discussions. it's in this regard that I feel digg overextended them self and jeopardized what was rather an intelligent and sophisticated news source/discussion.

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