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How Netflix evacuates regions in less than 10 minutes (medium.com/netflix-techblog)
26 points by aaronblohowiak on March 12, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Excuse me potentially asking a question that's daft in the context of TFA, but relevant purely to the headline...

The disaster warnings that interrupt TV broadcasts, like tsunami evacuation orders, does Netflix display them?

I've not seen anything about it, and my Google-fu is struggling because they have a show called The Warning, and a lot of disaster movies.

Many of my friends don't even have a TV for anything other than consoles. Only one of my friends doesn't have Netflix.

If the Netflix app displayed "TSUNAMI WARNING - If you are in insert place name, head to high ground immediately", they're far more likely to see it.

FYI, what you're referring to is called the "Emergency Alert System" [0,1].

Netflix (and other "streaming" providers) are not required to participate but cable TV companies (and other "broadcasters") are.

[0]: https://www.fcc.gov/general/emergency-alert-system-eas

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_Alert_System

If you use Netflix through something like Xfinity's over the top system, it should go to a live EAS alert. If you're using it through a browser, it will not. If you feel this deserves attention, I'd suggest contacting your legislator to introduce legislation to require it (as Netflix and other streamers aren't going to implement it without regulatory requirements).

You'd probably want said legislation to cover any over the top device (Chromecast, Fire stick, Roku).

> If you use Netflix through something like Xfinity's over the top system, it should go to a live EAS alert. If you're using it through a browser, it will not

If you are using it through a smartphone, it won't, but the phone will, so there's that.

I'm unfamiliar with this aspect of Netflix.

Sorry, I don't know anything about EAS integration at Netflix.

> We also considered simply abandoning autoscaling altogether and pinning to a calculated value, but this would hide performance regressions in the code by absorbing them into a potentially enormous buffer intended for regional evacuation absorption.

I'm probably missing something here, but why wouldn't performance regressions still be detectable via utilization metrics? I understand the difficulty of determining resource allocation a priori, but I'm not sure how this relates.

What you propose would catch many changes by looking at things like cpu and latency, but the space of potential hidden resource constraints is vast enough that without empirical verifician, we cannot have high confidence that performance regressions have not occurred (eg: lock contention can be not a problem at all until it is a huge problem...)

That’s a good point. Out of curiosity, how do those constraints get surfaced with hosts running in ASGs?

as the new version gets deployed and starts to take more traffic it doesnt keep up and is scaled up accordingly which establishes a new performance curve for the failover prediction system.

They mention that the solution remained cost neutral. Given that they're now running a huge number of additional instances, I'm curious as to how that could be the case. I wonder if they e.g. put a dollar figure on downtime, based on expected lost subscriptions?

We already had reserved the failover capacity to ensure it was available during failover so running more instances is just taking advantage of that.

Are those reserved instances used for preemptible tasks (transcoding, analytics processing) when not experiencing a business continuity event? Or is just considered a sunk cost?

The dark capacity is dynamically scaled throughout the day to handle anticipated failover needs. Depending on the region and time of day, the live, dark (and total) usage increases and decreases. When not being used for live or dark capacity, the resources are utilized for other tasks.

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