Is there a category for robot solvers that have to fulfil the same requirements as a human solver?
In other words, I'd like like to know how fast you can build a robot that has to start with the cube lying on a table in front of it, and the manipulators (hands, in the human case of course) being away from the cube, with the timer stopping when the cube is back on the table and the manipulators are back in their original position?
Picking up and putting down a cube from a known location, and visually analyzing it, are both solved problems. It's a boring and arbitrary restriction. One could just as well require the manipulators start 100 yards away, which would be biased toward fast-moving robots.
>> Picking up and putting down a cube from a known location, and visually analyzing it, are both solved problems. It's a boring and arbitrary restriction.
In that case, solving a Rubik's cube is a solved problem. It's become boring thing to watch machines do it. These machines are somewhat impressive in their own way, but the task they are doing has no point. I'd even say because "solving" is no longer relevant, the machines should be manipulating the cube in known (non random) patterns since we're down to comparing speeds.
There is no point to solving a Rubik's cube in the fastest manner possible for humans either. It's just a challenge that some people do for fun. Just like this project is a challenge with slightly different constraints.
Replying to myself to add: maybe we could see a triathlon with three stages of intellectual pursuit added to the three stages of physical activity.
Run one hundred meters, solve a Rubik’s Cube, swim one hundred meters, solve a riddle, cycle five kilometres, then the first two who complete that have to head off in a game of Go.
Why not? There’s people advocating eSports be included in the Olympics, so I’m open to anything at this stage.
And Turing’s “round-the-house” chess: after you move, run around the house, if you get back before your opponent's move you are entitled to a new move.
That would be interesting. Though this rule has a handicap that human solvers do not. They do not inspect the cube prior to starting the clock; unlike in human solves where they are given time to study the cube before the clock starts.
That's a fair point, and it would make sense to allow the same for the robot. That could mean that you can allow for preprogramming the layout before. Or you could put two cameras on the robot to take pictures of 5 of the sides. I believe you can infer the last side based on knowledge of the others.
In any case, given the fact that the human record for solving a cube is about 4.5 seconds, building a robot that can beat that would certainly be possible, but likely harder to do than the one from the article.
”I believe you can infer the last side based on knowledge of the others.”
Can you? If you flip all four edge pieces on the bottom face the bottom color shows up at all four side faces, and you wouldn’t be able to determine whether those four edge pieces got permuted, too.
Thinking a bit more about it, this problem already pops up if the bottom face has either:
- three edge pieces that share a color, with that color showing on the side.
- two pairs of edge pieces that share a color, with the twice shared colors showing on the side.
The first isn’t uncommon; if you pick three edges at random, the probability that they share a color is 1 * 6/11 * 2/10 = 6/55, and there are four ways to pick three edges from the bottom face, for (I think) a total probability of 24/55 - 4 * 6/55 * 1/9 (the probability that all four share the same color), or a probability of over 1/3 (if that seems high, consider the following: because of the pigeonhole principle, between the edges of any face of the cube there always is at least a pair sharing a color). That means that, even ignoring the second possibility, there’s at least a 1:24 probability of seeing this problem on a random cube.
Not all cube configurations are achievable by cube moves. That is, if you pull off one corner of a cube, rotate it, and stick it on again you get a cube which cannot be solved (except by disassembling it again).
I think it actually is possible to infer the sixth side of a cube if you can see the other 5, because only only one configuration of the remaining side is actually acheivable.
Quite. But we're talking about the permutation of the edge pieces on that face. You wouldn't be able to infer where they needed to be moved to if they were all just showing the bottom face colour.
> The cameras had trouble distinguishing red and orange faces, so they painted the orange faces black to make them stand out better.
This is awesome. I love that this is what they did to solve this problem, versus something overly technical, like tuning the cameras or post-processing the images.
As a former competitive speedcuber, I basically had to do something similar but I went with a fluorescent orange (and fluorescent green to distinguish from blue) rather than black. At a slow speed it isn't much of an issue but when speedsolving, blue-green and red-orange take just a bit too long to distinguish even for my human eyes.
Eh, even the official rules for people AFACT[0] only require that the colors be distinct; special exceptions are also afforded for people with visual disabilities.
We noticed that all of the fast Rubik's Cube solvers were using stepper motors and thought that we could do better if we used better motors
It looks like they're using brushed DC motors, which reminds me of what happened with inkjet printers --- they originally used stepper motors for both axes, but then switched to a DC motor + encoder because it was both cheaper and faster while being just as accurate.
Really cool! It looks like they have some overshoot on their servos. I think adding some damping to their control loop to get closer to critical damping would shave a few percent off their time.
You’re assuming they’re using a linear controller, and they’re way ahead of you [1].
But I don’t think they’re overshooting per se. I think they’re landing the centers in the right place, but the outer pieces account for most of the moment of inertia, and they’re flexible, so the overall assembly is deforming. Deriving the optimal control law for that could be a bit messy. I would guess that it involves bringing the center piece nearly to a stop slightly short of 90 degrees and then gently bringing it the rest of the way.
They talked about how "mistakes" in the tuning often resulted in exploding cubes. I have a feeling they probably tried that or something like it but it just puts too much stress on the cube.
>> It looks like they have some overshoot on their servos.
Even in simple linear systems with a PID, a bit of overshoot may improve the response time. It's not always desirable but in this case there is no problem with it. I also liked the other commenters idea that perhaps the parts of the cube are moving further than the centers and then falling back in place.
With the right cube, like the one they’ve used, one with fairly large-radius corners on the centre piece and inside corners of the other pieces, you can / should be able to start turning the next face before the current face as come to rest.
Though I suspect the thing might fly apart if timed wrong. That’d be worth watching.
This MIT open courseware lecture explains more about the optimum move sequence to solve a Rubik's cube. Some people call this perfect sequence of moves the "God path."
The instructions took 45 ms, and the execution took about 330 ms. If the machine goes faster, there's an increasing problem with tuning so the cube doesn't break. I think it may be better to design custom cubes for machine with similar material and dimensions. Toy manufacturers only factor in human solvers, such as: speed, corner cutting, locking, corner twists & popping.
Absolutely, even with some waste. Naively, each sticker can have one of six colors, which needs 3 bits, but let's make it 4 for easier handling. There are 9x6=54 stickers, so we'd use 54*4=216 bits. Easily fits into four 64-bit registers.
The article says it includes image capture and computation time. How does image capture identify the color of the tiles at the center of the faces, hidden behind the motor's arms? Or is the cube initial orientation known?
> With a a typical Rubik's Cube solution taking 19 to 23 turns
Hmm, so it's not finding the perfect solution but instead one close to perfect. I'm curious as to time tradeoff of trying to find a solution that does one spin better, but takes longer to compute.
From potentially incorrect memory, one can find the actual optimal solution pretty quickly, but that needs a giant lookup table that functions like an end-game table. Their lab might not have a machine with enough memory. Keep in mind that it would be a net loss if the solver took even 15ms longer.
Or 26 in the quarter turn metric which is probably what matters for a robot, since 180 degree turns take longer than 90 degree turns?
Getting a better cube would solve the explosion problem and make it turn faster, i suppose. Magnetic cubes are out there, reducing lockups and explosions with better corner cutting ability. I'm interested to see how it would go with a good cube.
In other words, I'd like like to know how fast you can build a robot that has to start with the cube lying on a table in front of it, and the manipulators (hands, in the human case of course) being away from the cube, with the timer stopping when the cube is back on the table and the manipulators are back in their original position?